Wiki source code of Tests bewerten

Last modified by Carina Enke on 15.01.2024

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Carina Enke 334.1 1 For the course element [[Test>>doc:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Lehren.Kursbausteine.Test.WebHome]], the assessment depends on the included question types. Most question types are **automatically** **assessable**. The final result of an attempt can then, depending on the configuration of the results view, be displayed to the participant immediately after submitting the test.
Carina Enke 109.1 2
Carina Enke 334.1 3 In contrast, question types that cannot be assessed automatically are **manually** **assessable**. A tutor with appropriate rights must perform this kind of assessment in the assessment tool to complete the calculation of the final result.
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Carina Enke 334.1 5 A **manual reassessment** can always be performed for all task types.
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Carina Enke 334.1 8 For more information about available question types and their assessment options, see the help page [[Task types>>doc:ONYX.Erstellung von Testinhalten.Aufgabentypen.WebHome]] in the [[ONYX manual>>doc:ONYX.WebHome]].
Carina Enke 109.1 9 {{/info}}