Wiki source code of Welcome

Last modified by Anna Paul-Hasenfuss on 01.10.2024

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Carina Enke 6.1 1 to the documentation area of BPS Bildungsportal GmbH.
Ingmar Kroll (Admin) 1.1 2
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 9.1 3 Here you find manuals and help pages with basic information on using our products OPAL learning platform, ONYX examination platform and BLok the online report booklet.
Ingmar Kroll (Admin) 1.1 4
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 8.1 5 Select the product you are interested in from the navigation bar or use the search field.
Ingmar Kroll (Admin) 1.1 6
Carina Enke 3.2 7 {{section}}
8 {{column width="33%"}}
Carina Enke 6.1 9 == Teaching & Learning with OPAL ==
Ingmar Kroll (Admin) 1.1 10
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 13.1 11 [[image:Hilfeportal.WebHome@Opal_Logo_Blau_RGB_Original.png||alt="OPAL Logo" data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" height="64" width="127"]]
Ingmar Kroll (Admin) 1.1 12
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 11.1 14 [[image:Hilfeportal.WebHome@Kurserstellung-in-OPAL_Video-Thumbnail.jpg||alt="Kurserstellung mit OPAL" data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" height="168" width="299"]]
Ingmar Kroll (Admin) 1.1 15
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 8.1 17 [[Documentation OPAL / OPAL Schule>>doc:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.WebHome]]
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 10.1 18
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 9.2 20 **[[image:Hilfeportal.WebHome@contact.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-icon" height="26" width="26"]] OPAL (Schule) Support**
22 Tel: +49 (0) 371 666 27 39 6
24 Mail: [[>>]]
26 Mo-Fr von 08:00 - 16:00
Carina Enke 3.2 27 {{/column}}
Carina Enke 3.1 28
Carina Enke 3.2 29 {{column width="33%"}}
Carina Enke 6.1 30 == Testing with ONYX ==
Ingmar Kroll (Admin) 1.1 31
Carina Enke 3.2 32 [[image:Hilfeportal.WebHome@ONYX Logo Neu.png||alt="ONYX Logo" data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" height="68" width="120"]]
Ingmar Kroll (Admin) 1.1 33
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 11.1 34 [[image:Hilfeportal.WebHome@ONYX-Seminar-Aufzeichnung-Tests-und-Fragen-erstrellen_Video-Thumbnail.jpg||alt="Tests und Fragen mit ONYX erstellen" data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" height="168" width="299"]]
Ingmar Kroll (Admin) 1.1 35
Carina Enke 7.1 37 [[Documentation ONYX>>doc:ONYX.WebHome]]
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 9.2 38
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 10.1 39
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 9.2 40 **[[image:Hilfeportal.WebHome@contact.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-icon" height="26" width="26"]] ONYX Support**
42 Tel: +49 (0) 371 666 27 39 6
44 Mail: [[>>]]
46 Mo-Fr von 08:00 - 16:00
Carina Enke 3.2 47 {{/column}}
Carina Enke 3.1 48
Carina Enke 3.2 49 {{column width="34%"}}
Carina Enke 6.1 50 == Digital report booklet with BLok ==
Ingmar Kroll (Admin) 1.1 51
Carina Enke 3.2 52 [[image:Hilfeportal.WebHome@blok_neu ohne Text_300dpi.png||alt="BLok Logo" data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" height="68" width="120"]]
Carina Enke 1.6 53
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 11.1 54 [[image:Hilfeportal.WebHome@BLok-erste-Schritte_Einstellungen-für-Unternehmen_Video-thumbnail-sm.png||alt="BLok Unternehmensbereich einrichten" data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" height="168" width="300"]]
Carina Enke 1.6 55
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 8.1 57 [[Documentation BLok (only in German)>>doc:BLOK.BLok.WebHome]]
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 9.2 58
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 10.1 59
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 9.2 60 **[[image:Hilfeportal.WebHome@contact.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-icon" height="26" width="26"]] BLok Support**
62 Tel: +49 (0) 371 240 81 56 0
64 Mail: [[>>]]
66 Mo-Fr von 09:00 - 15:00
Carina Enke 3.2 67 {{/column}}
68 {{/section}}
Carina Enke 3.1 69
Carina Enke 1.6 70
Carina Enke 6.1 71 === Further information areas ===
Carina Enke 1.6 72
Carina Enke 3.2 73 * [[Releasenotes>>doc:Releasenotes.WebHome]]
74 * [[Betriebsstatus sächsische Hochschulsysteme>>doc:STATHS.Betriebsstatus Hochschulsysteme.WebHome]]
75 * [[Betriebsstatus OPAL Schule>>doc:STATOS.Betriebsstatus OPAL Schule.WebHome]]
76 * [[BPS Online Meetings>>doc:onlinemeetings.BPS Online Meetings powered by BigBlueButton.WebHome]]
Anna Paul-Hasenfuss 8.1 77 * [[OPAL Schule>>doc:OS.OPAL Schule.WebHome]] (general information)