Änderungen von Dokument 08 Inhalte suchen und finden
Zuletzt geändert von Carina Enke am 29.04.2024
Von Version 1660.1
bearbeitet von Carina Enke
am 30.08.2017
am 30.08.2017
Mittels Scroll Versions veröffentlicht aus dem Bereich LMSintern und Version 3.3.
Auf Version 1652.1
bearbeitet von Carina Enke
am 02.11.2017
am 02.11.2017
Mittels Scroll Versions veröffentlicht aus dem Bereich LMSintern und Version 3.5.1.
Seiteneigenschaften (2 geändert, 0 hinzugefügt, 0 gelöscht)
Objekte (1 geändert, 0 hinzugefügt, 0 gelöscht)
- Seiteneigenschaften
- Titel
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -S uche1 +Search and Find Content - Inhalt
... ... @@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ 119 119 {{layout}} 120 120 {{layout-section ac:type="two_right_sidebar"}} 121 121 {{layout-cell}} 122 -To find **content swhich wereshared with you **in the system, you can proceed in the following ways:122 +To find **content which was shared with you **in the system, you can proceed in the following ways: 123 123 124 124 * **Global search: **You can use the global search function via the [[Search field >>url:https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/LMSintern/.Suche+v3.2#id-.Suchev3.2-suchfeld||shape="rect"]]in the header area of the system to find resources. 125 -* Tab** Cou rseoffers**: In a static area in the **main navigation**, you** **can find catalogued resources.126 -* [[**Portlets**>>url:https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/LMSintern/.Portlets+anpassen+v3.2#id-.Portletsanpassenv3.2-portletliste||shape="rect"]]: Onhe**Home page**,different portletscan beusedto displaycontentsassignedtoyou orrecentlyopened.127 -* **Course search**: With the search function in the course, you can search for terms within a course. Further information on this topic a reprovidedonthepage [[**Search course contents**>>url:https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/LMSintern/.Kursinhalte+durchsuchen+v3.2||shape="rect"]].125 +* Tab** Catalogue**: In a static area in the **main navigation**, you** **can find catalogued resources. 126 +* [[**Portlets**>>url:https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/LMSintern/.Portlets+anpassen+v3.2#id-.Portletsanpassenv3.2-portletliste||shape="rect"]]: Content assigned to you or recently opened content can be displayed in various portlets on the **home page**. 127 +* **Course search**: With the search function in the course, you can search for terms within a course. For further information on this topic, please refer to the help section [[**Search course content**>>url:https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/LMSintern/.Kursinhalte+durchsuchen+v3.2||shape="rect"]]. 128 128 129 129 130 130 {{/layout-cell}} ... ... @@ -153,13 +153,13 @@ 153 153 154 154 [[image:attach:gui_search.png]] 155 155 156 -The global search in the title bar allows you to search for **courses**, **groups**, **and further learning contents**. The results are displayed in a new tab in a tabular overview.156 +The global search in the title bar allows you to search for **courses**, **groups**, **and other learning content**. The results are displayed in a new tab in a tabular overview. 157 157 158 -To search for content s, proceed as follows:158 +To search for certain content, proceed as follows: 159 159 160 160 |((( 161 -1. Use the ** //Search//**//field//in the title bar.162 -1. Enter your search term and start the search with ** //Enter //**or a click on the magnifying glass icon.161 +1. Use the **search field **in the title bar. 162 +1. Enter your search term and start the search with **Enter// //**or a click on the magnifying glass icon. 163 163 )))|((( 164 164 [[image:attach:Kursrun-Globale Such nutzen_en.png]] 165 165 ))) ... ... @@ -167,17 +167,17 @@ 167 167 3. All matching search results will be displayed in a table in a new tab. 168 168 169 169 {{info}} 170 -The search results are arranged in order of priority. Content swhichyou have marked as favouritesor whichhavebeenassigned to your institution will be listed first in the table.170 +The search results are arranged in order of priority. Content you have marked as favourite or which is assigned to your institution will be listed first in the table. 171 171 {{/info}} 172 172 )))|((( 173 173 [[image:attach:Kursrun-Ergebnisliste einer globalen Suche_en.png]] 174 174 ))) 175 175 |((( 176 - 4. To refineyour search, you have the following options:176 + 4. To narrow your search, you have the following options: 177 177 178 -* **Change **or adapt** searchterm:** Start another search run by clicking on the magnifying glass icon [[image:attach:gui_search.png]].178 +* **Change **or adapt** keyword query**: Start another search run by clicking on the magnifying glass icon [[image:attach:gui_search.png]]. 179 179 * ((( 180 -Apply a **filter **to **//Title//**, **//Description//, **and **//Supervisor//**: The learning content swill be searched for the terms of the activated filters.180 +Apply a **filter **to the categories **//Title//**, **//Description//, **and **//Supervisor//**: The learning content will be searched for the terms of the activated filters. 181 181 ))) 182 182 * ((( 183 183 **Advanced search**: With a click on the small triangle, the advanced function area unfolds. ... ... @@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ 184 184 ))) 185 185 186 186 * 187 -** You can selectina more differentiatedway forwhichcontentsyou wantto search,e.g. courses, groups, or certain types of learning resources.188 -** In dependenceofthe configuration of your system, you can additionallyselectaninstitutioninwhichthetermwillbe searched. By default, this will be the institution you belong to.187 +** You can perform a more differentiated search query for various content types e.g. courses, groups, or certain types of learning resources. 188 +** Depending on the configuration of your system, you can also select which institution will be searched for the search term. By default, this will be the institution you belong to. 189 189 )))|((( 190 190 [[image:attach:Kursrun-Suchergebnis verbessern_en.png]] 191 191 ))) ... ... @@ -200,12 +200,12 @@ 200 200 ))) 201 201 202 202 {{note}} 203 -Please note: Your search results will be restricted to content syou are permitted to access.203 +Please note: Your search results will be restricted to content you are permitted to access. 204 204 {{/note}} 205 205 206 206 === What will be searched? === 207 207 208 -You can search the learning platform for the following content s:208 +You can search the learning platform for the following content: 209 209 210 210 * Courses 211 211 * Groups ... ... @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ 220 220 * Tests 221 221 * Wikis 222 222 223 -Currently, the categories **//Title, Description, and Supervisor //** of the contentsare searched.223 +Currently, the categories **//Title, Description, and Supervisor //**are searched. 224 224 225 225 226 226 {{/layout-cell}}
- Confluence.Code.ConfluencePageClass[0]
- id
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -1 158025701 +125567034 - url
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/SOV/wiki/spaces/LMS/pages/1 15802570/Suche1 +https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/SOV/wiki/spaces/LMS/pages/125567034/Search and Find Content