Forum Icons

Last modified by Carina Enke on 09.01.2024



Icon_Forum Thema.png

This is the standard icon for each topic.

Icon_Forum Neu.png

Newly created topics or topics which contain new, unread posts are marked with NEW.

Icon_Forum Wichtig.png

The topic is marked as important and always displayed at the top of the topic list.

It is also possible to mark posts within a thread.

Icon_Forum Versteckt.png

The topic is hidden and not visible to other users in the topic list.

Standard users are only able to hide their own topics, while moderators are also entitled to hide topics of other users.

Icon_Forum geschlossen.png

The topic is closed. Users cannot reply to closed topics.

Standard users are only able to close their own topics, while moderators are also entitled to close topics of other users.