Delete learning groups

Last modified by Carina Enke on 15.01.2024

Icon_Gruppe.png  In contrast to working groups, learning groups can only be deleted via the group management within the course.

Delete learning groups via the group management within the course

To delete a group, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the group management within the course via the upper function menu.
  2. In the table Groups in the course , all available learning groups are listed.

Kurs-Gruppenmanagement geöffnet_en.png

3. Select the group you want to delete by clicking the checkbox in front of it.

4. Then select the function Delete . Confirm the security query to complete the deletion process.

The security query lists all course elements in which the learning group you want to delete is used. Adjust this information in the course editor before or after deletion and publish the course in a timely manner.

 Kurs-Gruppen löschen_en.png