Wiki source code of SCORM

Last modified by Anna Paul-Hasenfuss on 05.02.2024

Show last authors
1 {{layout}}
2 {{layout-section ac:type="two_right_sidebar"}}
3 {{layout-cell}}
4 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@KB_Scorm.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-icon"]] **SCORM learning content **allows for the exchange of learning content and its reuse in various web-based environments, e.g. in authoring systems or learning platforms. SCORM stands for [[Sharable Content Object Reference Model>>url:||shape="rect"]]. An existing SCORM 1.2 resource can be integrated into the platform either as an individual learning resource or a **SCORM** course element.
6 SCORM course elements can be assessed. This means that assessment information can be configured and, for example, be displayed in certificates or assessment overviews. Assessment information may also serve as a visibility or access criterion for other course areas.
7 {{/layout-cell}}
9 {{layout-cell}}
10 {{panel title="Content"}}
11 {{toc minLevel="2"/}}
12 {{/panel}}
13 {{/layout-cell}}
14 {{/layout-section}}
16 {{layout-section ac:type="single"}}
17 {{layout-cell}}
18 == Usage: Learners' View ==
20 {{panel title="Overview"}}
21 (% class="wrapped" %)
22 |(((
23 In a course element **SCORM**, you can start and run stored **SCORM resources**. You will also receive information on the number of completed attempts and the maximum number of attempts possible for the learning content.
25 After completing a SCORM attempt, you can view your **assessment** above the **Start SCORM **button. The displayed assessment information depends on the settings configured by the course author.
26 )))|(((
27 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
28 (((
29 [[image:attach:Kursrun-SCORM Überblick_en.png]]
30 )))
31 )))
32 {{/panel}}
36 {{id name="User"/}}
38 {{panel title="Functions for users"}}
39 As a user, you can use the following functions in a **SCORM** course element:
41 (% class="wrapped" %)
42 |(((
43 ==== Start SCORM ====
44 )))|(((
45 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
46 (((
47 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
48 To start a SCORM, proceed as follows: 
50 (% class="wrapped" %)
51 |(((
52 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
53 (((
54 1. Open the course element **SCORM**.
55 1. Click on **Start SCORM**.
56 1. Depending on the settings configured by the course author, the SCORM will either open in the same or in a new browser window.
58 {{note}}
59 The SCORM can only be opened if the maximum number of possible attempts has **not yet **been reached.
60 {{/note}}
61 )))
62 )))|(((
63 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
64 (((
65 [[image:attach:Kursrun-SCORM starten_en.png]]
66 )))
67 )))
69 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
71 )))
72 )))
73 |(((
74 ==== Close SCORM ====
75 )))|(((
76 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
77 (((
78 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
79 To close a SCORM, proceed as follows: 
81 (% class="wrapped" %)
82 |(((
83 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
84 (((
85 1. Open the course element **SCORM **and start a SCORM.
86 1. To close the SCORM, click on** quit**.
87 1. Then select the **X **to close the window.
89 {{info}}
90 If the SCORM was started in a new browser window, close the entire browser window after selecting **quit**. Then confirm the information window** Close SCORM **in the course with **OK**.
91 {{/info}}
92 )))
93 )))|(((
94 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
95 (((
96 [[image:attach:Kursrun SCORM - SCORM schließen_en.png]]
97 )))
98 )))
99 )))
100 )))
101 |(((
102 ==== View assessment ====
103 )))|(((
104 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
105 (((
106 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
107 The available assessment information for a course element **SCORM** will directly be displayed in the course area above the** Start SCORM **button after closing the SCORM. 
109 (% class="wrapped" %)
110 |(((
111 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
112 The following information may be displayed depending on the configuration by the course author: 
114 * **Passed status **(provided the SCORM determines a passed status)
115 * **Score**
116 * **Mark in numbers **and** words **(if the course supervisor manually awards a mark)
117 * Your **previous solution attempts**
118 * **Assessed attempt** (Depending on the configuration, either the best result or the result for the last attempt will be displayed if more than one attempt is possible.)
119 * **Average assessment **(Shows the average score among all users. For this information to be displayed, at least one attempt by yourself and four attempts by other registered course users will be necessary.)
120 )))|(((
121 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
122 (((
123 [[image:attach:Kursrun-Scorm Durchschnittliche Bewertung_en.png]]
124 )))
125 )))
126 )))
127 )))
128 {{/panel}}
130 == Configuration: Authors' View ==
132 {{panel title="In the course editor"}}
133 The following functions are available in the course editor:
135 (% class="wrapped" %)
136 |(((
137 ==== (% style="color:#3e4444" %)Add a course element SCORM(%%) ====
138 )))|(((
139 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
140 (((
141 {{expand title="Click to open instructions on how to add a course element ..."}}
142 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kursbaustein hinzufügen.WebHome"/}}
143 {{/expand}}
144 )))
145 )))
146 |(((
147 ==== (% style="color:#3e4444" %)General configuration settings(%%) ====
148 )))|(((
149 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
150 (((
151 In the course editor, you will find the following configuration tabs:
153 (% class="wrapped" %)
154 |=(((
155 Title and description
156 )))|(((
157 {{expand title="Configuration options in the tab title and description ..."}}
158 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Tab Titel und Beschreibung.WebHome"/}}
159 {{/expand}}
160 )))
161 |=(% scope="col" %)Visibility|If necessary, restrict the visibility of the course element here. For more information, see the [[Visibility >>doc:LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Sichtbarkeit und Zugriff.WebHome]]help page.
162 |=(% scope="col" %)Access |If necessary, restrict the visibility of the course element here. For more information, see the [[Access >>doc:LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Sichtbarkeit und Zugriff.WebHome]]help page.
163 |=(((
164 Configuration
165 )))|(((
166 In this tab, you can select or import a SCORM package. Additionally, you can also configure various display settings for the course element.
168 Detailed instructions are given in the following section **Settings in the configuration tab**.
169 )))
170 |=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
171 (((
172 Assessment
173 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
174 (((
175 In this tab, you can configure various assessment settings. Detailed instructions are given in the following section **Settings in the assessment tab**.
176 )))
177 |=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
178 (((
179 Multilingualism
180 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
181 (((
182 In this tab, different translations can be added to individual course element areas.
183 )))
184 )))
185 )))
186 |(((
187 **Settings in the configuration tab**
188 )))|(((
189 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
190 (((
191 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
192 In the **Configuration **tab, you can assign a SCORM package to your course element and specify various configuration options. 
194 (% class="wrapped" %)
195 |(((
196 ==== Assign SCORM package ====
197 )))|(((
198 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
199 (((
200 You can:
202 * **select an existing SCORM package (option 1) **or 
203 * **import a new SCORM package (option 2)**
205 {{expand title="Start the configuration for both variants as follows:"}}
206 (% class="wrapped" %)
207 |=(((
208 1.
209 )))|(((
210 Open the course element **SCORM**.
212 Switch to the **Configuration **tab in the course editor** **and click on** Select or import SCORM learning content**.
213 )))|(((
214 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
215 (((
216 [[image:attach:Kurseditor-SCORM wählen oder importieren_en.png]]
217 )))
218 )))
219 |=(((
220 2.
221 )))|(((
222 A page with the function to import a new SCORM package and a list of your existing SCORM packages will open.
224 Decide on one of the following options:
225 )))|(((
226 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
227 (((
228 [[image:attach:Kurseditor-Optionen zur Auswahl eines SCORMs_en.png]]
229 )))
230 )))
231 |=(((
232 3a.
233 )))|(((
234 (**Option 1**:) To use an **existing SCORM package**, select the desired package by clicking on the (% class="confluence-embedded-file-wrapper confluence-embedded-manual-size" %)[[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Hinzufügen schwarz.png||alt="Icon_Hinzufügen schwarz.png" data-xwiki-image-style="img-icon"]] (%%)plus icon in the Actions column.
235 )))|(((
236 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
237 (((
238 [[image:attach:Kurseditor-SCORM-Paket wählen_en.png]]
239 )))
240 )))
241 |=(((
242 3b.
243 )))|(((
244 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
245 (((
246 (**Option 2**:) To **import a new SCORM package**, click on **Import**. The system's default upload page will open.
248 {{expand title="Expand further steps ..."}}
249 You have the option to import a **file **or a **folder**.
251 * Select a location for the file/folder you wish to import and upload the file/folder.
252 * Enter a **title **and optionally add a **description**.
253 * Click on** Finish **to complete the creation process.
255 The newly imported SCORM package will now automatically be used as a resource for the SCORM course element and displayed under **Selected SCORM learning content**.
256 {{/expand}}
257 )))
258 )))|(((
259 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
260 (((
261 [[image:attach:Kurseditor-SCORM-Paket importieren_en.png]]
262 )))
263 )))
264 |=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
265 (((
266 4.
268 \\
270 \\
272 5.
273 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
274 (((
275 The selected SCORM package will now automatically be used as a resource for the SCORM course element and displayed under **Selected SCORM learning content**.
277 **Publish **your course to complete the configuration and to make the SCORM package available to participants.
278 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
279 (((
280 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
281 (((
282 [[image:attach:Kurseditor-gewähltes SCORM-Paket_en.png]]
283 )))
284 )))
285 {{/expand}}
286 )))
287 )))
288 |(((
289 ==== SCORM resource settings ====
290 )))|(((
291 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
292 (((
293 (% class="wrapped" %)
294 |=(((
295 Hide in the course menu
296 )))|(((
297 If this function is enabled, the course element will not be visible in the navigation on the left. The Start SCORM button can now only be accessed from the course preview or the associated structure pane.
298 )))|(% rowspan="8" %)(% rowspan="8" %)
299 (((
300 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
301 (((
302 [[image:attach:Kurseditor-SCORM-Einstellungen_en.png]]
303 )))
304 )))
305 |=(((
306 Open in new browser window
307 )))|(((
308 If this option is enabled, the SCORM will open in a new browser window.
309 As a consequence, there will, for example, be no need for size adjustments.
310 )))
311 |=(((
312 Start next SCORM after finish
313 )))|(((
314 If several SCORM elements are referenced in the main course navigation, they can be started in sequence using this setting. The user will only need to start the first SCORM.
315 )))
316 |=(((
317 Show menu
318 )))|(((
319 With this option, you can determine whether a navigation menu is to be displayed in the SCORM.
320 )))
321 |=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
322 (((
323 Show navigation buttons
324 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
325 (((
326 Use this option to allow the user to navigate in the SCORM with Next and Back buttons.
327 )))
328 |=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
329 (((
330 Height/Width/X position/Y Position
331 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
332 (((
333 Here you can determine the SCORM window's size and position.
334 )))
335 |=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
336 (((
337 Content character set
338 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
339 (((
340 The learning platform attempts to automatically detect the SCORM's character set. If the **Automatically **option does not result in the desired display, you can configure the coding of the content using a predefined character set.
341 )))
342 |=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
343 (((
344 JavaScript character set
345 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
346 (((
347 This option allows to encode the JavaScript code using a predefined character set (the same character set will be used by default for both content and JavaScript).
348 )))
349 )))
350 )))
351 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
352 (((
353 ==== Functions after adding a SCORM resource ====
354 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
355 (((
356 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
357 (((
358 {{expand title="Once a SCORM resource has been added, you have the following options in the course editor ..."}}
359 (% class="auto-cursor-target" %)
360 **Replace SCORM learning content**
362 (% class="wrapped" %)
363 |(((
364 Click the button to replace the added SCORM resource with another SCORM resource. The same window will open as in the upper section **Assign SCORM package**. Now you have the same options as described above to add a new SCORM resource.
365 )))|(((
366 [[image:attach:Kurseditor-Scorm-Paket zugeordnet_en.png]]
367 )))
368 {{/expand}}
370 {{note}}
371 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
372 A learning resource of the type **SCORM **is not an independent learning resource, i.e. it must be integrated into a course element **SCORM**. Further information on **independent learning resources** as well as tutorials on their creation and management are provided in the section [[Learning resources>>doc:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Lehren.Lerninhalte.WebHome]].
373 {{/note}}
374 )))
375 )))
377 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
379 )))
380 )))
381 |(((
382 ==== Settings in the assessment tab ====
383 )))|(((
384 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
385 (((
386 In the **Assessment **tab, you have the option to define general **assessment settings **for the SCORM course element.
388 {{expand title="Configure assessment settings ..."}}
391 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Seiten zu Bewertungsfunktionen.Bewertungsformular Scorm.WebHome"/}}
393 {{/expand}}
394 )))
395 )))
396 {{/panel}}
398 {{panel title="In the course view"}}
399 === Author functions in the course view ===
401 In the course view of a course element **SCORM**, you have access to all [[functions available to users>>doc:||anchor="User"]]. Also, you have the following editing functions.
403 |=(((
404 Assessment Tool
405 )))|(((
406 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
407 (((
408 Once a SCORM has transferred points to OPAL, you can view more detailed information on the assessment and its progress in the assessment tool. More information can be found on [[SCORM-Data in the Assessment Tool>>doc:.SCORM-Daten im Bewertungswerkzeug.WebHome]].
409 )))
410 )))
411 {{/panel}}
412 {{/layout-cell}}
413 {{/layout-section}}
414 {{/layout}}