Wiki source code of Selbsttest

Last modified by Carina Enke on 16.01.2024

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Carina Enke 234.1 1 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@KB_Test.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-icon"]] The course element **//self-test //**allows the learners to perform an unlimited number of knowledge tests. The results are only visible for the learner. The author does not receive any information on whether or not or how often the self-test has been carried out.
Carina Enke 75.1 2
Carina Enke 234.1 4 [[image:KB Selbsttest-Ansicht im Kursrun_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
Carina Enke 231.1 6 {{info}}
Carina Enke 234.1 7 All information for learners and authors can be found in the [[Help pages of the course element test>>doc:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Lehren.Kursbausteine.Test.WebHome]].
Carina Enke 231.1 8 {{/info}}
Carina Enke 225.1 9
Carina Enke 231.1 11 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kursfortschritt automatisch.WebHome"/}}