Wiki source code of Terminvergabe

Last modified by Carina Enke on 17.01.2024

Show last authors
1 {{layout}}
2 {{layout-section ac:type="two_right_sidebar"}}
3 {{layout-cell}}
4 (% class="confluence-embedded-file-wrapper image-left-wrapper" %)[[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@KB_Terminvergabe.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-icon"]] (% style="letter-spacing:0.0px" %)The course element **//Assignment of dates// **allows authors to create lists of dates, which can be made available to learners to sign in. Such lists can, for example, be used to assign dates for presentations or office hours.
8 {{/layout-cell}}
10 {{layout-cell}}
11 {{panel title="Content"}}
12 {{toc minLevel="2"/}}
13 {{/panel}}
14 {{/layout-cell}}
15 {{/layout-section}}
17 {{layout-section ac:type="single"}}
18 {{layout-cell}}
19 == Usage: Learners' View ==
21 {{panel titleColor="black" titleBGColor="#e1e1e1" title="Overview"}}
22 (% class="wrapped" %)
23 |(((
24 The course element **//Assignment of dates// **gives an overview of all the course dates open to learners for registration. Next to the **name** of the date, you will also be shown information about the **time**, **location**, **duration** and available **number of places**.
26 In the example, dates are assigned for an oral exam. The **colour** of the number of places indicates whether there are still places available so that learners can enrol for their desired date. If there are still open places for this date, the icon will be highlighted in **green**. If all places have been filled for this date, the icon’s colour will change to **red**.
28 (% style="letter-spacing:0.0px" %)In the example, the dates have the following status:
30 * The first date has already been appointed to a user. Since there is only one free slot per date, the icon appears in red. This means all available places for this date have been taken.
31 * The second date has been appointed to the user, who has just opened the date assignment. This user can deselect the date at any time using the **//Withdraw// **button and decide for another open time slot.
32 * All other dates in this example have not been assigned yet. This is also indicated by the green icons. Users can still select these dates.
33 )))|(((
34 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
35 (((
36 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Überblick Terminvergabe_en.png]]
37 )))
38 )))
39 {{/panel}}
41 {{panel title="Functions for users"}}
42 {{id name="functions"/}}
44 (% class="wrapped" %)
45 |(((
46 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
47 (((
48 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Button Einschreiben_en.png]]
49 )))
50 )))|(((
51 ==== Select a date ====
52 )))|(((
53 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
54 (((
55 With this option, you can select and register for a date.
57 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
58 (% class="wrapped" %)
59 |(((
60 1. Open the course element **//Assignment of dates// **and pick your desired date.
61 1. Then click on **//Select// **.
62 )))|(((
63 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
64 (((
65 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Einschreiben_en.png]]
66 )))
67 )))
68 |(((
69 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
70 (((
71 3. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)Depending on the course author’s settings, you may now add a **comment**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**for the**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**date**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %). This comment will also be visible to other users.
73 After drafting your comment, click on** //Enrol and add a comment// **to complete the enrolment process. Alternatively, click on **//Just enrol// **.
75 {{info}}
76 The date will now appear in the **My Dates** portlet on the **home page** as well as in your **personal calendar**.
77 {{/info}}
78 )))
79 )))|(((
80 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
81 (((
82 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Einschreiben - Bemerkung_en.png]]
83 )))
84 )))
85 {{/expand}}
86 )))
87 )))
88 |(((
89 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
90 (((
91 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Button Austragen_en.png]]
92 )))
93 )))|(((
94 ==== Withdraw ====
95 )))|(((
96 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
97 (((
98 You may withdraw from a date at any time and select a new one.
100 {{info}}
101 Whether or not withdrawing from a date is possible, depends on the **settings of the course author**. If they have disabled this function, learners will not be able to withdraw from dates.
102 {{/info}}
104 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
105 (% class="wrapped" %)
106 |(((
107 1. Open the course element **//Assignment of dates// **and select the date you wish to withdraw from.
108 1. Then click on **//Withdraw// **.
109 )))|(((
110 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
111 (((
112 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Austragen_en.png]]
113 )))
114 )))
115 {{/expand}}
116 )))
117 )))
118 |[[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Tabellendownload.png]]|Download table|{{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Tabellenfunktionen.Tabelle herunterladen.WebHome"/}}(((
120 )))
121 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
122 (((
123 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
124 (((
125 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Rädchen.png]]
126 )))
127 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
128 (((
129 Adjust table
130 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
131 (((
132 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
133 (((
134 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Tabellenfunktionen.Tabelle anpassen.WebHome"/}}
135 )))
136 )))
137 {{/panel}}
140 == Configuration: Authors' View ==
142 {{panel title="In the course editor"}}
143 The following functions are available to you in the course editor:
145 (% class="wrapped" %)
146 |(((
147 ==== Add course element ====
148 )))|(((
149 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
150 (((
151 {{expand title="Click to open instructions on how to add a course element ..."}}
154 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Tab Titel und Beschreibung.WebHome"/}}
157 {{/expand}}
158 )))
159 )))
160 |(((
161 ==== General configuration settings ====
162 )))|(((
163 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
164 (((
165 In the course editor, you will see the following configuration tabs for a course element **//Assignment of dates// **:
167 (% class="wrapped" %)
168 |=(((
169 Title and description
170 )))|(((
171 {{expand title="Configuration options in the tab title and description ..."}}
174 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Tab Titel und Beschreibung.WebHome"/}}
175 {{/expand}}
176 )))
177 |=(% scope="col" %)Visibility|If necessary, restrict the visibility of the course element here. For more information, see the [[Visibility >>doc:LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Sichtbarkeit und Zugriff.WebHome]]help page.
178 |=(% scope="col" %)Access |If necessary, restrict the visibility of the course element here. For more information, see the [[Access >>doc:LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Sichtbarkeit und Zugriff.WebHome]]help page.
179 |=(((
180 Configuration
181 )))|(((
182 In this tab, you can define general settings for the course element **//Assignment of dates// **. You also have the option to manage events and participants. Detailed instructions are given in the following section //**Special configuration settings** //.
183 )))
184 |=(((
185 Multilingualism
186 )))|(((
187 In this tab, different translations can be added to individual course element areas.
188 )))
189 )))
190 )))
191 |(((
192 ==== Special configuration settings ====
193 )))|(((
194 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
195 (((
196 {{expand title="Configure the course element ..."}}
197 (% class="wrapped" %)
198 |(((
199 ==== General settings ====
200 )))|(((
201 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
202 (((
203 (% class="wrapped" %)
204 |(((
205 Open the course editor of the course element// **Assignment of dates** //and go to the **//Configuration// **tab to define general settings. The following options are available:
207 * **Removing enabled: **Learners can withdraw from dates.
208 * **Learner may add comment: **Learners can add comments to their dates. Learners can, for example, use this field to publicly enter their name for group appointments. The comments will be displayed for all course participants in the summary table.
209 * **Seamless date enrolment: **(% style="color: rgb(59,72,94);" %)The dates will be assigned consecutively, with no free slots between. Participants are unable to choose their dates; rather, they will be assigned the next open date.
210 * **Number of selectable dates per user: **Enter the number of dates participants may select. Type "0" to allow participants to select an unlimited number of dates.
212 Confirm your settings with **//Save// **.
213 )))|(((
214 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
215 (((
216 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Allgemeine Einstellungen_en.png]]
217 )))
218 )))
219 )))
220 )))
221 |(((
222 ==== Manage events ====
223 )))|(((
224 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
225 (((
226 {{info}}
227 For users with appropriate rights, these functions are also available in the course view. They can be used to create, edit and delete events as well as to manage participants and send emails to participants.
228 {{/info}}
230 (% class="wrapped" %)
231 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
232 (((
233 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
234 (((
235 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Button Termine anlegen_en.png]]
236 )))
237 )))|(((
238 ===== Create event =====
239 )))|(((
240 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
241 (((
242 This option allows you to create new events.
244 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
245 (% class="wrapped" %)
246 |(((
247 1. Open the course editor of the course element// **Assignment of dates** //and go to the **//Configuration //**tab.
248 1. Click on **//Manage events// **.
249 )))|(((
250 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
251 (((
252 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Button Termine verwalten_en.png]]
253 )))
254 )))
255 |(((
256 3. Then select (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**Create event(s)**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %).
257 )))|(((
258 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
259 (((
260 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Termin(e) anlegen_en.png]]
261 )))
262 )))
263 |(((
264 4. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)Now enter the following content in the respective text fields:
266 * **Title:** Describes the event, e. g. oral exam
267 * **Begin of event:** Indicates on which day and at what time the first event will begin
268 * **Duration of event:** Determines how long a single event will last
269 * **Interval:** Describes if there is a break between events and how long it will take
270 * **Number of events: **Defines how many events of this type will occur
271 * **Number of participants per date:** Indicates how many participants are allowed per date
272 * **Location:** Defines the location where the event will take place
273 * **Comment **(optional)
274 )))|(((
275 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
276 (((
277 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Termin(e) anlegen - Inhalt_en.png]]
278 )))
279 )))
280 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
281 (((
282 5. Click on //**Save** //to complete the creation process.
283 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
284 (((
285 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
286 (((
287 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Termin(e) anlegen - Speichern_en.png]]
288 )))
289 )))
290 {{/expand}}
291 )))
292 )))
293 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
294 (((
295 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
296 (((
297 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Button Bearbeiten_en.png]]
298 )))
299 )))|(((
300 ===== Edit event =====
301 )))|(((
302 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
303 (((
304 Events can be edited at any time.
306 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
307 (% class="wrapped" %)
308 |(((
309 1. Open the course editor of the course element// **Assignment of dates** //and go to the **//Configuration //**tab.
310 1. Click on **//Manage events// **.
311 )))|(((
312 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
313 (((
314 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Button Termine verwalten_en.png]]
315 )))
316 )))
317 |(((
318 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
319 (((
320 3. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)Select the events you wish to edit by **ticking**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)the checkboxes next to them.
322 {{info}}
323 To edit all events, click on **//Select all// **below the overview. All events will be marked with a checkmark.
324 {{/info}}
325 )))
326 )))|(((
327 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
328 (((
329 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Häkchen setzen_en.png]]
330 )))
331 )))
332 |(((
333 4. Now click on (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**//Edit// **.
334 )))|(((
335 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
336 (((
337 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Termin bearbeiten_en.png]]
338 )))
339 )))
340 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
341 (((
342 5. Make your desired changes and click on (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)//**Save and close**//(%%)// //(% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)to complete the editing process.
343 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
344 (((
345 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
346 (((
347 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Termin bearbeiten - Speichern und Schließen_en.png]]
348 )))
349 )))
350 {{/expand}}
351 )))
352 )))
353 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
354 (((
355 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
356 (((
357 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Button Löschen_en.png]]
358 )))
359 )))|(((
360 ===== Delete event =====
361 )))|(((
362 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
363 (((
364 Events can be deleted at any time.
366 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
367 (% class="wrapped" %)
368 |(((
369 1. Open the course editor of the course element// **Assignment of dates** //and go to the **//Configuration //**tab.
370 1. Click on **//Manage events// **.
371 )))|(((
372 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
373 (((
374 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Button Termine verwalten_en.png]]
375 )))
376 )))
377 |(((
378 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
379 (((
380 3. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)Select the events you wish to delete by **ticking**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)the checkboxes next to them.
382 {{info}}
383 To delete all events, click on **//Select all// **below the overview. All events will be marked with a checkmark.
384 {{/info}}
385 )))
386 )))|(((
387 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
388 (((
389 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Häkchen setzen_en.png]]
390 )))
391 )))
392 |(((
393 4. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)Now click on **//Delete// **. The event will be deleted **immediately**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)without further confirmation.
395 **
396 **
397 )))|(((
398 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
399 (((
400 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Termin löschen_en.png]]
401 )))
402 )))
403 {{/expand}}
404 )))
405 )))
406 )))
407 )))
408 |(((
409 ==== Manage participants ====
410 )))|(((
411 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
412 (((
413 (% class="wrapped" %)
414 |(((
415 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
416 (((
417 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Button Teilnehmer hinzufügen_en.png]]
418 )))
419 )))|(((
420 ===== Add participants manually =====
421 )))|(((
422 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
423 (((
424 Here you can add one or more participants and assign events manually.
426 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
427 (% class="wrapped" %)
428 |(((
429 1. Open the course editor of the course element// **Assignment of dates** //and go to the **//Configuration// **tab.
430 1. Click on **//Manage participants// **.
431 )))|(((
432 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
433 (((
434 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Schaltfläche Teilnehmer verwalten_en.png]]
435 )))
436 )))
437 |(((
438 3. Select the event to which you wish to add a participant and click on (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**//Manage// **.
439 )))|(((
440 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
441 (((
442 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Schaltfläche Verwalten_en.png]]
443 )))
444 )))
445 |(((
446 4. Now click on (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**//Add participants// **.
447 )))|(((
448 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
449 (((
450 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Teilnehmer hinzufügen_en.png]]
451 )))
452 )))
453 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
454 (((
455 5. Enter the (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**first name**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %), **last name**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %), **email address**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)and **institution**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)of the user in the appropriate text fields. Then click on //**Search**//(%%)// //(% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %).
456 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
457 (((
458 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
459 (((
460 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Teilnehmer hinzufügen - Daten eingeben_en.png]]
461 )))
462 )))
463 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
464 (((
465 6. Select the desired users by **ticking** the checkboxes next to their names. Confirm your choice with **//Choose// **.
466 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
467 (((
468 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
469 (((
470 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Teilnehmer hinzufügen - Nutzer wählen_en.png]]
471 )))
472 )))
473 {{/expand}}
474 )))
475 )))
476 |(((
477 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
478 (((
479 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Button Teilnehmer entfernen_en.png]]
480 )))
481 )))|(((
482 ===== Delete participants =====
483 )))|(((
484 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
485 (((
486 You have the option to remove enrolled participants.
488 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
489 (% class="wrapped" %)
490 |(((
491 1. Open the course editor of the course element// **Assignment of dates** //and go to the **//Configuration //**tab.
492 1. Click on **//Manage participants// **.
493 )))|(((
494 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
495 (((
496 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Schaltfläche Teilnehmer verwalten_en.png]]
497 )))
498 )))
499 |(((
500 3. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)**Tick**(%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)the checkbox next to the event whose participants you wish to remove.
502 (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)4. (%%) (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)Then click on **//Delete participants// **.
503 )))|(((
504 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
505 (((
506 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Teilnehmer entfernen_en.png]]
507 )))
508 )))
509 |(((
510 5. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)If the affected participant should receive an email notification about the removal, select the checkbox next to **//Send email// **.
512 6. (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)Then click on **//Next// **.
513 )))|(((
514 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
515 (((
516 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Teilnehmer entfernen - E-Mail-Benachrichtigung_en.png]]
517 )))
518 )))
519 {{/expand}}
520 )))
521 )))
522 |(((
523 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
524 (((
525 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Button E-Mail senden_en.png]]
526 )))
527 )))|(((
528 ===== Send email =====
529 )))|(((
530 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
531 (((
532 This option allows you to send an email to all or selected participants.
534 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
535 (% class="wrapped" %)
536 |(((
537 1. Open the course editor of the course element// **Assignment of dates** //and go to the **//Configuration //**tab.
538 1. Click on **//Manage participants// **.
539 )))|(((
540 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
541 (((
542 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Schaltfläche Teilnehmer verwalten_en.png]]
543 )))
544 )))
545 |(((
546 3. **Tick** the checkbox next to the event with those participants you wish to send an email to.
548 (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)4. Now click on **//Send email// **(%%).
549 )))|(((
550 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
551 (((
552 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - E-Mail senden_en.png]]
553 )))
554 )))
555 |(((
556 5. Enter a **subject** and your **message** in the respective text fields. Optionally, add an attachment.
558 (% style="letter-spacing: 0.0px;" %)6. Then click on **//Send// **.
559 )))|(((
560 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
561 (((
562 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - E-Mail senden - Inhalt_en.png]]
563 )))
564 )))
565 {{/expand}}
566 )))
567 )))
568 )))
569 )))
570 {{/expand}}
571 )))
572 )))
573 {{/panel}}
575 {{panel title="In the course view"}}
576 Apart from the options described in the section [[Functions for users>>url:||shape="rect"]] , course authors can use the following functions in the course view:
578 * Via the **buttons above the table**: Add events, send an email to all users enrolled in the event, remove all users enrolled in an event and delete events
580 * With a **click on an event title**: Edit the selected event, add participants to it, manage them and send an email to individual participants.
582 (% style="margin-left: 30.0px;" %)
583 [[image:attach:Terminvergabe - Termintabelle_de.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
585 ==== Buttons above the appointment table ====
587 (% class="wrapped" %)
588 |(((
589 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
590 (((
591 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Termin anlegen_en.png]]
592 )))
593 )))|(((
594 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
595 (((
596 {{expand title="Add appointments ..."}}
597 (% class="wrapped" %)
598 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
599 (((
600 1
601 )))|(((
602 Select this button to create one or more new appointments.
603 )))|(% rowspan="3" %)(% rowspan="3" %)
604 (((
605 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
606 (((
607 [[image:attach:Terminvergabe - Termin anlegen_en.png]]
608 )))
609 )))
610 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
611 (((
612 2
613 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
614 (((
615 A dialogue window opens in which you can enter all the necessary information about the new appointment:
617 * **Appointment titles:** Describes the event, e. g. oral exam
618 * **Location:** Defines the location where the event will take place
619 * **Start:** Indicates on which day and at what time the first event will begin
620 * **Duration of appointment:** Determines how long a single event will last
621 * **Pause between appointments:** Describes if there is a break between the events of a recurring appointment and how long it will take
622 * **Number of appointments:** Defines how many events of this type will occur
623 * **Number of participants per appointment:** Indicates how many participants are allowed per appointment
624 * **Description** (optional)
625 )))
626 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
627 (((
628 3
629 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
630 (((
631 Click on **//Create// **to complete the creation process.
632 )))
633 {{/expand}}
634 )))
635 )))
636 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
637 (((
638 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
639 (((
640 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Brief.png]]
641 )))
642 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
643 (((
644 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
645 (((
646 You can easily send a message to all participants enrolled in an appointment by email.
648 {{expand title="Send email ..."}}
649 (% class="wrapped" %)
650 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
651 (((
652 1
653 )))|(((
654 Mark the checkbox next to one or more appointments.
655 )))|(% rowspan="4" %)(% rowspan="4" %)
656 (((
657 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
658 (((
659 [[image:attach:Terminvergabe - E-Mail senden_en.png]]
660 )))
661 )))
662 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
663 (((
664 2
665 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
666 (((
667 Select the letter icon from the table header.
668 )))
669 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
670 (((
671 3
672 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
673 (((
674 An email dialogue opens in which you can enter your message.
675 )))
676 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
677 (((
678 4
679 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
680 (((
681 Click on // **Send message ** //to send the emails to the enrolled participants.
682 )))
683 {{/expand}}
685 {{info}}
686 If you wish to send an email to a single enrolled user, click on the appointment title in the table. This will make you switch to the editing view of the appointment. There, you can select individual participants from the **//Manage participants// **tab and send them a message.
687 {{/info}}
688 )))
689 )))
690 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
691 (((
692 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
693 (((
694 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Auswahl aufheben.png]]
695 )))
696 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
697 (((
698 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
699 (((
700 With one click, you can remove all participants from an appointment.
702 {{expand title="Remove participants ..."}}
703 (% class="wrapped" %)
704 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
705 (((
706 1
707 )))|(((
708 Select the checkbox next to one or more appointments from which you wish to remove enrolled participants.
709 )))|(% rowspan="3" %)(% rowspan="3" %)
710 (((
711 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
712 (((
713 [[image:attach:Terminvergabe - Teilnehmer austragen_en.png]]
714 )))
715 )))
716 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
717 (((
718 2
719 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
720 (((
721 Click on the letter icon in the table header.
722 )))
723 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
724 (((
725 3
726 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
727 (((
728 Confirm the dialogue with **//Cancel membership// **.
729 )))
730 {{/expand}}
731 )))
732 )))
733 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
734 (((
735 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
736 (((
737 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@icon_Papierkorb_blau.png]]
738 )))
739 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
740 (((
741 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
742 (((
743 Appointments can be deleted at any time.
745 {{expand title="Delete appointment ..."}}
746 (% class="wrapped" %)
747 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
748 (((
749 1
750 )))|(((
751 Mark the checkboxes next to the appointments you wish to delete.
753 .
754 )))|(% rowspan="4" %)(% rowspan="4" %)
755 (((
756 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
757 (((
758 [[image:attach:Terminvergabe - Termin loeschen_en.png]]
759 )))
760 )))
761 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
762 (((
763 2
764 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
765 (((
766 Then select the recycle bin icon from above the table.
767 )))
768 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
769 (((
770 3
771 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
772 (((
773 A dialogue opens.
774 )))
775 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
776 (((
777 4
778 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
779 (((
780 Confirm the dialogue with **//Delete// **.
781 )))
782 {{/expand}}
783 )))
784 )))
786 ==== Edit appointment and manage participants of an appointment ====
788 (% class="wrapped" %)
789 |(((
790 ===== Edit single appointment =====
791 )))|(((
792 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
793 (((
794 Click on an appointment title in the appointment table to open it in the edit view.
796 {{expand title="Edit single appointment ..."}}
797 (% class="wrapped" %)
798 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
799 (((
800 1
801 )))|(((
802 Click on the title of the desired appointment.
803 )))|(% rowspan="3" %)(% rowspan="3" %)
804 (((
805 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
806 (((
807 [[image:attach:Terminvergabe - Termin bearbeiten_en.png]]
808 )))
809 )))
810 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
811 (((
812 2
813 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
814 (((
815 The edit view of the selected appointment opens.
816 )))
817 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
818 (((
819 3
820 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
821 (((
822 Save your changes.
823 )))
824 {{/expand}}
825 )))
826 )))
827 |(((
828 ===== Manage participants of an appointment =====
829 )))|(((
830 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
831 (((
832 Click on an appointment title in the appointment table to open it in the edit view. In the **//Manage participants// **section, users can be added, confirmed or removed. Apart from that, it is also possible to send emails to individual users.
834 {{expand title="Manage participants of a single appointment ..."}}
835 (% class="wrapped" %)
836 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
837 (((
838 1
839 )))|(((
840 Click on the title of the desired appointment to open the edit view. Then switch to the **//Manage participants //**//tab.//
841 )))|(% rowspan="3" %)(% rowspan="3" %)
842 (((
843 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
844 (((
845 [[image:attach:Terminvergabe - Teilnehmer verwalten_en.png]]
846 )))
847 )))
848 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
849 (((
850 2
851 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
852 (((
853 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
854 (((
855 Add users to an appointment using the quick or advanced search.
857 {{info}}
858 If you decide for the advanced search, you can also optionally send the participant an email with all important appointment details.
859 {{/info}}
860 )))
861 )))
862 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
863 (((
864 3
865 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
866 (((
867 Use the buttons for sending emails and deleting users in the course view analogous to the appointment management.
868 )))
869 {{/expand}}
870 )))
871 )))
872 {{/panel}}
873 {{/layout-cell}}
874 {{/layout-section}}
875 {{/layout}}