Wiki source code of Themenvergabe

Last modified by Carina Enke on 16.05.2024

Show last authors
1 {{layout}}
2 {{layout-section ac:type="two_right_sidebar"}}
3 {{layout-cell}}
4 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@KB_Themenvergabe.png]] With this course element, the author can make available various topics. Depending on the setting, the learner will then be able to choose one or more of these topics. This allows, for example, for a precise and quick assignment and organisation of presentation and term paper topics.
8 {{/layout-cell}}
10 {{layout-cell}}
11 {{panel title="Content"}}
12 {{toc start="2"/}}
14 **Related topics**
15 [[Course element task>>doc:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Lehren.Kursbausteine.Aufgabe.WebHome]]
16 {{/panel}}
17 {{/layout-cell}}
18 {{/layout-section}}
20 {{layout-section ac:type="single"}}
21 {{layout-cell}}
22 == Usage: Learners' View ==
24 {{panel titleColor="black" titleBGColor="#e1e1e1" title="Overview"}}
25 (% class="wrapped" %)
26 |(((
27 The course element **Topic Assignment **lists all topics in a **tabular overview**. The table may also contain additional information depending on the configuration. For example, the topic **name**, **supervisor**, appointment or **submission date**, and the **number** of available **places** can be displayed.
28 )))|(((
29 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
30 (((
31 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Überblick Themenvergabe_en.png]]
32 )))
33 )))
34 {{/panel}}
36 {{panel title="Functions for users"}}
37 === Functions in the topic overview ===
39 As a user, you have access to the following functions in a course element of the type **Topic Assignment:**
41 (% class="wrapped" %)
42 |(((
43 ==== Select a topic ====
44 )))|(((
45 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
46 (((
47 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
48 The list of topics provides you with detailed information about all topics and allows you to enrol in those of your choice. However, enrolment is only possible if the supervisor has enabled it and the maximum number of places has not yet been reached. 
50 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
51 (% class="wrapped" %)
52 |(((
53 1. Open the course element **Topic Assignment**.
54 1. You will see a list of available topics.
56 \\
58 \\
59 )))|(((
60 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
61 (((
62 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Überblick Themenvergabe_en.png]]
63 )))
64 )))
65 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
66 (((
67 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
68 (((
69 3. Clicking on the title of a topic opens the detailed view, which includes further details. Here you can, for example, view the enrolment and submission period or access additional documents related to the topic.
71 4. Click on **Select **to enrol in the topic. Alternatively, you will find the same button in the list of topics.
73 {{info}}
74 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
75 The course author can configure whether your enrolment in a topic must first be confirmed by a supervisor. In this case, you only have the option to enrol **provisionally**. The author may also restrict the number of topics in which you can enrol.
76 {{/info}}
77 )))
78 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
79 (((
80 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
81 (((
82 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Detailansicht Thema_en.png]]
83 )))
84 )))
85 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
86 (((
87 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
88 (((
89 5. An icon in the topic overview shows the current status of your enrolment:
91 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Vorgemerkt.png]] (% style="color: rgb(51,51,51);" %):(%%) You have been scheduled for the topic. The topic selection still has to be confirmed by the supervisor.
93 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_akzeptiert.png]] (% style="color: rgb(51,51,51);" %): Your topic selection has been confirmed.
94 )))
95 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
96 (((
97 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
98 (((
99 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Nutzerstatus Themenübersicht_en.png]]
100 )))
101 )))
102 {{/expand}}
103 )))
104 )))
105 |(((
106 ==== Deselect a topic ====
107 )))|(((
108 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
109 (((
110 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
111 You can deselect an already selected topic. However, if the topic has already been confirmed by a supervisor, only they can deselect the user's choice. 
113 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
114 (% class="wrapped" %)
115 |(((
116 1. Open the course element **Topic Assignment **.
117 1. Select the topic you want to deselect. If you can see the **Deselect **button, this means you can undo your selection by clicking on it.
118 )))|(((
119 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
120 (((
121 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Thema abwählen_en.png]]
122 )))
123 )))
124 {{/expand}}
125 )))
126 )))
128 === Functions in the detailed view of a selected topic ===
130 Clicking on the title of a topic opens the detailed view of the selected topic in the course view. Depending on the configuration of the course supervisor, you will have the following options:
132 (% class="wrapped" %)
133 |(((
134 ==== Submit a solution ====
135 )))|(((
136 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
137 (((
138 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
139 In this area, you can submit a solution to your topic. Depending on the configuration, you can either upload files or create them directly in the course view.
141 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
142 (% class="wrapped" %)
143 |(((
144 1. Open the course element **Topic Assignment**.
145 1. Click on the **name **of the topic for which you want to submit a solution.
146 )))|(((
147 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
148 (((
149 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Name des Themas_en.png]]
150 )))
151 )))
152 |(((
153 3. Depending on the configuration, you have the following options:
155 * **Create a solution file in the course view (option 1)**
156 * **Upload a solution file (option 2) **
158 Decide on one of the two options.
159 )))|(((
160 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
161 (((
162 [[image:attach:Kursrun - zwei Optionen_en.png]]
163 )))
164 )))
165 |(((
166 **Option 1:**
168 * Click on **Create**.
169 * Enter a **file** **name **and **content **in the appropriate text fields.
170 * Optionally, add a **licence**.
171 * Click on **Create **to complete the creation process.
172 * The created document will then be listed under **Submit solution**.
173 )))|(((
174 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
175 (((
176 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Datei erstellen_en.png]]
177 )))
178 )))
179 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
180 (((
181 **Option 2:**
183 * Click on **Upload**.
184 * Upload the desired file by clicking the **Select files **button.
185 * Optionally, add a **licence**.
186 * Confirm the process with **Upload**.
187 * The uploaded document will then be listed under **Submit solution **.
188 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
189 (((
190 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
191 (((
192 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Datei hochladen_en.png]]
193 )))
194 )))
195 {{/expand}}
196 )))
197 )))
198 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
199 (((
200 ==== Delete your solution ====
201 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
202 (((
203 Whether you can delete an already submitted solution depends on the configuration of the course supervisor. You can delete an already submitted file if there is a recycle bin icon at the end of the entry. Select this button and confirm the dialogue.
204 )))
205 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
206 (((
207 ==== (% style="color:#3e4444" %)Save your solution as an artefact to the ePortfolio area(%%) ====
208 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
209 (((
210 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
211 (((
212 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Tabellenfunktionen.Als Artefakt speichern.WebHome"/}}
213 )))
214 )))
215 |(((
216 View returned documents
217 )))|(((
218 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
219 (((
220 This area allows you to open and view documents that have been shared with you by a supervisor.
222 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
223 (% class="wrapped" %)
224 |(((
225 1. Open the course element **Topic Assignment**.
226 1. Click on the **name **of your topic.
227 )))|(((
228 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
229 (((
230 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Name des Themas_en.png]]
231 )))
232 )))
233 |(((
234 (% style="color: rgb(51,51,51);" %)3. Once the course author has returned a document, it will appear in the **Return documents **section.(%%)**
235 \\**
236 )))|(((
237 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
238 (((
239 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Zurückgegebene Dokumente_en.png]]
240 )))
241 )))
242 {{/expand}}
243 )))
244 )))
245 {{/panel}}
247 == (% style="color:#333333" %)Configuration: Authors' View(%%) ==
249 {{panel titleBGColor="#5a759d" title="In the course editor"}}
250 The following functions are available to you in the course editor:
252 (% class="wrapped" %)
253 |(((
254 ==== Add a course element topic assignment ====
255 )))|(((
256 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
257 (((
258 {{expand title="Click to open instructions on how to add a course element ..."}}
261 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kursbaustein hinzufügen.WebHome"/}}
262 {{/expand}}
263 )))
264 )))
265 |(((
266 ==== General configuration settings ====
267 )))|(((
268 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
269 (((
270 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
271 In the course editor, you will find the following configuration tabs:
273 (% class="wrapped" %)
274 |=(((
275 Title and description
276 )))|(((
277 {{expand title="Configuration options in the tab title and description ..."}}
280 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Tab Titel und Beschreibung.WebHome"/}}
281 {{/expand}}
282 )))
283 |=(% scope="col" %)Visibility|If necessary, restrict the visibility of the course element here. For more information, see the [[Visibility >>doc:LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Sichtbarkeit und Zugriff.WebHome]]help page.
284 |=(% scope="col" %)Access |If necessary, restrict the visibility of the course element here. For more information, see the [[Access >>doc:LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Sichtbarkeit und Zugriff.WebHome]]help page.
285 |=(((
286 Configuration
287 )))|(((
288 In the tab **Configuration**, you can customise general settings such as the number of topics per participant. All available options are explained in the section **Tab Configuration**.
289 )))
290 |=(((
291 Persons in charge
292 )))|(((
293 This tab allows you to configure the settings for topic authors. Detailed instructions are given in the section **Tab Persons in charge**.
294 )))
295 |=(((
296 Partial elements
297 )))|(((
298 Here you can select partial elements for the topic assignment. Detailed instructions are given in the section **Tab Partial elements**.
299 )))
300 |=(((
301 Due date
302 )))|(((
303 The tab **Due date **allows you to configure the settings for the submission of documents. Detailed instructions are given in the section **Tab Due date**.
304 )))
305 |=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
306 (((
307 Multilingualism
308 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
309 (((
310 In this tab, different translations can be added to individual course element areas.
311 )))
312 )))
313 )))
314 |(((
315 ==== Tab Configuration ====
316 )))|(((
317 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
318 (((
319 Here you can specify the basic settings for all topics. The creation of topics is done in the course view.
321 (% class="wrapped" %)
322 |(((
323 1. Open the course editor of the course element **Topic Assignment** and go to the tab **Configuration**.
324 1. Configure the following options:
326 * (% style="color:#333333" %)**Do you want to limit the number of topics per participant**:(%%) Enable this option to specify the maximum number of topics a participant may select. If you leave this option disabled, participants can select any number of topics.
327 * **Topic authors have to accept participants:** If you enable this option, an author must first confirm the topic request of a participant before they can start working on it. Therefore, participants will only be able to enrol **provisionally** for a topic.(((
328 If this option is enabled, the checkbox **Only one topic allowed **opens. If you select this checkbox, accepted participants will be automatically removed from all other topics in which they have enrolled.
329 )))
331 Click on **Save **to confirm the configuration.
332 )))|(((
333 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
334 (((
335 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Konfiguration Anzahl_en.png]]
336 )))
337 )))
338 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
339 (((
340 * **Additional fields: **Here you can specify a maximum of five additional fields for the creation of topics. These fields can be configured as free text or drop-down fields. To create a free text field, enter only a title and leave the value field blank. To create a drop-down field, enter the options to be selected in the input field **Value**. Separate the different choices with a semicolon, e.g. Faculty of Medicine; Faculty of Theology.(((
341 In the course view, topic creators will then have the possibility to select an option from the drop-down field and/or enter free text in the free text field when creating or editing a topic.
343 If an additional field should be displayed as a column in the topic overview, check the option** Appears in table **below the respective text field.
344 )))
346 Click on **Save **to confirm the configuration.
347 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
348 (((
349 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
350 (((
351 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Konfiguration Freie Felder_en.png]]
352 )))
353 )))
354 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
355 (((
356 * (((
357 **Dates: **The author has the option to activate a registration deadline and/or due date for the topics. If the dates are also to appear as a column in the topic assignment overview, select the option **Appears in table.**
359 Click on **Save **to confirm the configuration.
360 )))
361 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
362 (((
363 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
364 (((
365 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Konfiguration Termine_en.png]]
366 )))
367 )))
368 )))
369 )))
370 |(((
371 ==== Tab Persons in charge ====
372 )))|(((
373 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
374 (((
375 This tab allows the course author to name topic authors. Topic authors can create topics in the course view, manage the topics' participants, view their submitted solutions, and return documents to them.
377 {{expand title="Administer topic authors ..."}}
378 (% class="wrapped" %)
379 |(((
380 **Export**
381 )))|(((
382 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
383 (((
384 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
385 With this option, you can save the list of enrolled topic authors as an Excel spreadsheet to your computer.
387 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
388 (% class="wrapped" %)
389 |(((
390 1. Open the course editor of the course element **Topic Assignment** and go to the tab **Persons in charge**.
391 1. Click on **Export user list**.
392 )))|(((
393 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
394 (((
395 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Tab Verantwortliche - Exportieren_en.png]]
396 )))
397 )))
398 |(((
399 3. Select the checkbox **Open with **or **Save file **and click on **OK**.
400 )))|(((
401 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
402 (((
403 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Tab Verantwortliche - Exportieren - Öffnen oder Speichern_en.png]]
404 )))
405 )))
406 {{/expand}}
407 )))
408 )))
409 |(((
410 **Import user list**
411 )))|(((
412 Use this function to register several users as topic authors. A **wizard** opens to guide you through the process.
413 )))
414 |(((
415 **Add user(s)**
416 )))|(((
417 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
418 (((
419 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
420 This button allows you to search for users to add as topic authors.
422 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
423 (% class="wrapped" %)
424 |(((
425 1. (((
426 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
427 Open the **course editor** of the course element **Topic Assignment** and go to the tab **Persons in charge **.
428 )))
429 1. (((
430 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
431 Click on **Add user(s)**.
432 )))
433 )))|(((
434 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
435 (((
436 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Tab Verantwortliche - Benutzer hinzufügen_en.png]]
437 )))
438 )))
439 |(((
440 3. Enter the **first name**,** last name**, **email address**, and **institution **in the appropriate text fields. Then click on **Search**.
441 )))|(((
442 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
443 (((
444 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Tab Verantwortliche - Benutzer hinzufügen - Suche_en.png]]
445 )))
446 )))
447 |(((
448 4. Select the **checkbox **in front of the user you want to add and click on **Choose**.
449 )))|(((
450 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
451 (((
452 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Tab Verantwortliche - Benutzer hinzufügen - wählen_en.png]]
453 )))
454 )))
455 {{/expand}}
456 )))
457 )))
458 |(((
459 (% style="color: rgb(51,51,51);" %)**Remove user(s)**
460 )))|(((
461 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
462 (((
463 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
464 Users, who are added, can be removed at any time.
466 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
467 (% class="wrapped" %)
468 |(((
469 1. (((
470 Open the **course editor** of the course element **Topic Assignment** and go to the tab **Persons in charge**.
471 )))
472 1. (((
473 Select the user you want to remove by **ticking** the checkbox next to them.
474 )))
475 1. Then click on **Remove**.
476 )))|(((
477 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
478 (((
479 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Tab Verantwortliche - Entfernen_en.png]]
480 )))
481 )))
482 |(((
483 4. Decide whether the user should receive a notification email.
485 5. Then click on **Next**.
487 6. Confirm the dialogue with **Yes**. The user will be removed from the list of topic authors.
488 )))|(((
489 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
490 (((
491 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Tab Verantwortliche - Entfernen - Email_en.png]]
492 )))
493 )))
494 {{/expand}}
495 )))
496 )))
497 {{/expand}}
498 )))
499 )))
500 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
501 (((
502 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
503 (((
506 {{id name="teilbausteine"/}} Tab Partial elements
507 )))
508 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
509 (((
510 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
511 (((
512 (% class="wrapped" %)
513 |(((
514 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
515 This tab allows you to provide a **drop box** and/or **return box**. 
517 * Using the drop box, participants can submit solution files.
518 * Using the return folder, topic authors can individually return files to the participants of a topic.
520 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
521 If you do not make any changes, both partial elements will be active.
522 )))|(((
523 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
524 (((
525 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Tab Teilbausteine_en.png]]
526 )))
527 )))
528 )))
529 )))
530 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
531 (((
532 ==== Tab Due date ====
533 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
534 (((
535 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
536 (((
537 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
538 In the tab **Due date**, you have the following configuration options: 
540 (% class="wrapped" %)
541 |(((
542 * **Trainees are only allowed to upload documents:** If you select this checkbox, users can only upload documents to the storage folder. Therefore, the creation of new documents directly in the course view will be prevented, and users will only see the **Upload **button in the area **Submit solution **in the detailed view of their topic.
543 * **Send hand in confirmation via email: **If you enable this option, the user will be sent an email after the successful submission of their file with the confirmation text you provided under **Text after handing in**. The placeholders are individually filled with the information of the user or the course data. If necessary, you can further customise this text.
545 Click on **Save **to confirm the configuration.
546 )))|(((
547 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
548 (((
549 [[image:attach:Kurseditor - Abgabe_en.png]]
550 )))
551 )))
552 )))
553 )))
554 {{/panel}}
556 {{panel title="In the course view"}}
557 In course view, course and topic authors can create and manage topics, view participant solutions, and return documents.
559 === Functions in the topic overview ===
561 (% class="wrapped" %)
562 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
563 (((
564 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
565 (((
566 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Thema erstellen_en.png]]
567 )))
568 )))|(((
569 ==== Create a new topic ====
570 )))|(((
571 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
572 (((
573 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
574 This button allows you to create a new topic, which will then be displayed in the topic overview.
576 {{expand title="Create a new topic ..."}}
577 (% class="wrapped" %)
578 |(((
579 1. Open the course element **Topic Assignment**.
580 1. Click on **Create topic **in the header area of the list of topics.
581 )))|(((
582 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
583 (((
584 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Neues Thema_en.png]]
585 )))
586 )))
587 |(((
588 3. Enter the **title **of the new topic in the appropriate text field and provide further information on the topic:
590 * Optionally, add a **description **of the topic.
591 * Specify the **number of places available**.
592 * If necessary, determine a **submission period**.
593 * You can also upload file as an **attachment **to the topic using the button **Select file**.
594 * In addition, you have the option to send an **email notification**. If this checkbox is selected, an email will be sent to all topic authors as participants select or deselect this topic or submit a solution.
596 4. Click on **Save **to complete the creation process. The newly created topic will then appear in the list of the topic overview.
597 )))|(((
598 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
599 (((
600 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Neues Thema - Speichern_en.png]]
601 )))
602 )))
603 {{/expand}}
604 )))
605 )))
606 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
607 (((
608 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
609 (((
610 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Kopieren.png]]
611 )))
612 )))|(((
613 ==== Copy a topic ====
614 )))|(((
615 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
616 (((
617 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
618 This function allows you to copy existing topics.
620 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
621 (% class="wrapped" %)
622 |(((
623 1. Open the course element **Topic Assignment**.
624 1. Select the topic you want to copy by **ticking** the checkbox next to it.
625 1. Then click on **Copy **in the table header.
626 )))|(((
627 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
628 (((
629 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Kopieren - Häkchen setzen_en.png]]
630 )))
631 )))
632 |(((
633 4. The copied topic will be displayed in the topic overview.
634 )))|(((
635 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
636 (((
637 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Kopieren - fertige Kopie_en.png]]
638 )))
639 )))
640 {{/expand}}
641 )))
642 )))
643 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
644 (((
645 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
646 (((
647 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@icon_Papierkorb_blau.png]]
648 )))
649 )))|(((
650 ==== Delete a topic ====
651 )))|(((
652 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
653 (((
654 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
655 Topics can be deleted at any time.
657 {{expand title="How to do that?"}}
658 (% class="wrapped" %)
659 |(((
660 1. Open the course element **Topic Assignment**.
661 1. (((
662 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
663 Select the topic you want to delete by** ticking **the checkbox next to it.
664 )))
665 1. (((
666 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
667 Then click on **Delete **in the table header.
668 )))
669 )))|(((
670 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
671 (((
672 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Löschen - Häkchen setzen_en.png]]
673 )))
674 )))
675 |(((
676 4. Confirm the deletion process with **Delete topics** .
677 )))|(((
678 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
679 (((
680 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Löschen - Bestätigen_en.png]]
681 )))
682 )))
683 {{/expand}}
684 )))
685 )))
686 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
687 (((
688 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
689 (((
690 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Tabellendownload.png]]
691 )))
692 )))|(((
693 **Download table**
694 )))|(((
695 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
696 (((
697 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Tabellenfunktionen.Tabelle herunterladen.WebHome"/}}
698 )))
699 )))
700 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
701 (((
702 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
703 (((
704 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Rädchen.png]]
705 )))
706 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
707 (((
708 **Configure table**
709 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
710 (((
711 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
712 (((
713 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Tabellenfunktionen.Tabelle anpassen.WebHome"/}}
714 )))
715 )))
717 === Functions in the detailed view of a topic ===
719 Click on a topic name in the topic overview to open the **detailed view of the topic**. For authors, the detailed view consists of three tabs. Users can only see the content of the first tab.
721 (% class="wrapped" %)
722 |=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
723 (((
724 Tab
725 )))|=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
726 (((
727 Functions
728 )))
729 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
730 (((
731 **Edit topic**
732 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
733 (((
734 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
735 (((
736 In this area, you can edit the opened topic and set its status.
738 {{expand title="Edit topic ..."}}
739 ==== Edit a topic ====
741 (% class="wrapped" %)
742 |(((
743 1. Open the course element **Topic Assignment**.
744 1. Click on the **name **of the topic you want to edit.
745 )))|(((
746 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
747 (((
748 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Klick auf Name_en.png]]
749 )))
750 )))
751 |(((
752 3. Make your desired changes in the tab **Edit topic **and confirm your changes with **Save**.
753 )))|(((
754 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
755 (((
756 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Thema editieren_en.png]]
757 )))
758 )))
759 {{/expand}}
760 )))
761 )))
762 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
763 (((
764 **Solutions**
765 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
766 (((
767 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
768 (((
769 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
770 In this tab, you can see which users have already submitted a solution to the topic, view the solution, and return documents to the user.
772 {{info}}
773 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
774 The functions **submit solutions** and **return documents** are only possible if the [[partial elements >>url:||shape="rect"]]drop box and return box have been configured.
775 {{/info}}
777 {{expand title="View solutions and return documents ..."}}
778 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
779 ==== (% style="color: rgb(62,68,68);" %)View submitted solutions and return documents(%%) ====
781 (% class="wrapped" %)
782 |(((
783 1. Open the course element **Topic Assignment**.
784 1. Click on the **name **of the topic for which you want to view the submitted solutions.
785 )))|(((
786 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
787 (((
788 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Themenübersicht Beispiel_en.png]]
789 )))
790 )))
791 |(((
792 3. Switch to the tab **Solutions **and click on the **name **of the user whose solutions you would like to view.
793 )))|(((
794 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
795 (((
796 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Thema Tab Lösungen_en.png]]
797 )))
798 )))
799 |(((
800 4. Under **Submitted solutions**, an overview of all existing solution documents uploaded or created by the user appears.
802 5. If a return box has been configured, you will also see the area **Documents for the participant **where you can create or upload documents to the user's return box. To do this, use the appropriate button (**Create **or **Upload**).
803 )))|(((
804 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
805 (((
806 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Lösungen_en.png]]
807 )))
808 )))
809 {{/expand}}
810 )))
811 )))
812 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
813 (((
814 **Participants and supervisors**
815 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
816 (((
817 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
818 (((
819 This area allows for the management of all participants and supervisors of a topic. This includes adding supervisors to a topic, enrolling users directly in topics, and accepting user enrolments.
821 {{expand title="Manage participants and supervisors ..."}}
822 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
823 ==== (% style="color: rgb(62,68,68);" %)Manage participants and supervisors of a topic(%%) ====
825 (% class="wrapped" %)
826 |(((
827 1. Open the course element **Topic Assignment**.
828 1. (((
829 Click on the **name **of the topic.
830 )))
831 )))|(((
832 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
833 (((
834 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Klick auf Name_en.png]]
835 )))
836 )))
837 |(((
838 3. Switch to the tab **Participants and supervisors**. Now you have the following options:
840 * **Remove user**: Select the checkbox next to the participant you want to remove and click on **Remove user**.
841 * **Accept as participant**: Select the checkbox next to the user you want to add and click on **Accept as participant.** Note that this function is only available in the **Candidates **table if you have enabled the option **Topic authors have to accept participants **in the course editor.
842 * **Add users directly as participants or topic authors**: Use this field to add individual users of your institution to a topic. Enter at least three letters for the first or last name of the person in the text field. You can add all users displayed within the pop-up selection list, based on your user rights. Click on the desired name and the user will be added to the list.
843 )))|(((
844 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
845 (((
846 [[image:attach:Kursrun - Tab Verantwortliche_en.png]]
847 )))
848 )))
849 {{/expand}}
850 )))
851 )))
852 {{/panel}}
853 {{/layout-cell}}
854 {{/layout-section}}
855 {{/layout}}