Rate and Comment

Last modified by Moritz Baumgarten on 15.01.2024

Rate post 

Rate posts via the stars at the right edge of each post.

To perform a rating, click on the number of stars you want to assign. You can change your rating at any time by repeating it.

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The current status of the rating is represented by both the coloured stars and the numbers in the circle.

In addition, you will be shown a note indicating whether you have already given a rating for this post before.

The status of the rating is colour-coded:

  • If you have not yet submitted a rating, the circle around the number of ratings is grey.
  • When a rating is submitted, the colour of the circle changes to orange.

If you hover the mouse pointer over the number, your personal rating and the overall rating will be displayed.

You can only rate the posts of other users, not your own. The rating is anonymous.

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Comment on post

You can also leave comments on each post. The comment function and the number of previously written comments can be found below each blog post.

  • You can write comments or reply to other users' comments.
  • You can edit or delete your own comments at any time.
  • The course supervisor can edit or delete all users' comments.

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