Änderungen von Dokument Step-by-Step Kurs erstellen
Zuletzt geändert von Carina Enke am 23.01.2024
Von Version 14.1
bearbeitet von sandra_riediger
am 17.03.2020
am 17.03.2020
Mittels Scroll Versions veröffentlicht aus dem Bereich LMSintern und Version 13.2.
Auf Version 27.2
bearbeitet von Carina Enke
am 12.01.2024
am 12.01.2024
Es gibt keinen Kommentar für diese Version
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- Seiteneigenschaften
- Übergeordnete Seite
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +LMS._Include Library.Step-by-Step.WebHome - Dokument-Autor
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. sandra_riediger1 +XWiki.carina - Inhalt
... ... @@ -1,78 +2,7 @@ 1 -{{sv-translation language="de"}} 2 2 {{layout}} 3 3 {{layout-section ac:type="single"}} 4 4 {{layout-cell}} 5 -\\ 6 - 7 -{{details}} 8 -(% class="wrapped" %) 9 -|=((( 10 -Verantwortlicher 11 -)))|((( 12 -\\ 13 -))) 14 -|=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 15 -((( 16 -Status 17 -)))|(% class="highlight-yellow" colspan="1" data-highlight-colour="yellow" %)(% class="highlight-yellow" colspan="1" data-highlight-colour="yellow" %) 18 -((( 19 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 20 -((( 21 -{{sv-metadata type="workflow-status"/}} 22 - 23 -{{status colour="Green" title="fertig"/}} 24 -))) 25 -))) 26 -|=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 27 -((( 28 -Varianten 29 -)))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 30 -((( 31 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 32 -((( 33 -{{sv-metadata type="variants"/}} 34 -))) 35 -))) 36 -|=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 37 -((( 38 -Attribute 39 -)))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 40 -((( 41 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 42 -((( 43 -{{sv-metadata type="attributes"/}} 44 -))) 45 -))) 46 -|=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 47 -((( 48 -Pagekey 49 -)))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 50 -((( 51 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 52 -((( 53 -{{sv-metadata type="pagekey"/}} PageId=149324257 54 -))) 55 -))) 56 -|=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 57 -((( 58 -Übersetzung 59 -)))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 60 -((( 61 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 62 -((( 63 - 64 - 65 -{{status colour="Red" title="Offen"/}} 66 -))) 67 -))) 68 -|=(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 69 -((( 70 -TODOs 71 -)))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 72 -((( 73 -\\ 74 -))) 75 -{{/details}} 4 + 76 76 {{/layout-cell}} 77 77 {{/layout-section}} 78 78 ... ... @@ -91,10 +91,12 @@ 91 91 ((( 92 92 Öffnen Sie den Tab //**Lehren & Lernen**//. Klicken Sie im linken Navigationsbereich auf den Eintrag //**Überblick**//.** **Hier finden Sie die Funktionsbox //**Kurs erstellen**//. 93 93 23 + 24 + 94 94 {{expand title="Alternative Möglichkeiten ..."}} 95 95 Einen Button zum Erstellen von Kursen und einzelnen Lerninhalten finden Sie auch nach dem Öffnen der Menüpunkte** //Meine Kurse// **und //**Meine Lerninhalte**.// 96 96 97 -Zusätzlich ist die Funktionsbox je nach Systemkonfiguration und Nutzerrechten im Portlet //**Erste Schritte**// auf der [[Startseite>> url:https://www.bps-system.de/help/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6921550||shape="rect"]] verfügbar//.//28 +Zusätzlich ist die Funktionsbox je nach Systemkonfiguration und Nutzerrechten im Portlet //**Erste Schritte**// auf der [[Startseite>>doc:LMS.Meine Lernplattform.Startseite personalisieren.WebHome]] verfügbar//.// 98 98 {{/expand}} 99 99 ))) 100 100 )))|((( ... ... @@ -119,38 +119,30 @@ 119 119 ((( 120 120 3 121 121 )))|((( 122 -Um die Erstellung abzuschließen, wählen Sie die Option **K(% style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51)" %)urseditor starten.(%%)**(% style="color:rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51)" %)53 +Um die Erstellung abzuschließen, wählen Sie die Option **K(% style="color:#333333" %)urseditor starten.(%%)**(% style="color:#333333" %) Diese Option legt den Kurs mit den getroffenen Einstellungen an und öffnet ihn direkt in der Kurseditoransicht. Sie können direkt beginnen, den Kurs mit Kurselementen, den sogenannten Kursbausteinen, zu füllen. 123 123 ))) 124 124 56 +{{include reference="LMS._Include Library.Allgemeine Infoseiten.Hinweis Video verfuegbar.WebHome"/}} 125 125 126 126 127 -{{display reference="Hinweis Video verfuegbar"/}} 128 128 129 -(% style="color: rgb(63, 68, 68); color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" %) 130 130 131 131 132 - 133 -\\\\ 62 + 134 134 {{/layout-cell}} 135 135 {{/layout-section}} 136 136 {{/layout}} 137 -{{/sv-translation}} 138 138 139 -{{sv-translation language="en"}} 140 140 {{layout}} 141 141 {{layout-section ac:type="two_right_sidebar"}} 142 142 {{layout-cell}} 143 - \\70 + 144 144 {{/layout-cell}} 145 145 146 146 {{layout-cell}} 147 -{{scroll-ignore}} 148 148 {{panel title="Inhalt"}} 149 - 150 - 151 151 {{toc maxLevel="3" minLevel="2"/}} 152 152 {{/panel}} 153 -{{/scroll-ignore}} 154 154 {{/layout-cell}} 155 155 {{/layout-section}} 156 156 ... ... @@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ 162 162 With the release of OPAL 11.1, the course creation is available in the new user interface. How to create courses in the old user interface is explained in the section **//Create courses in the old user interface// **below. 163 163 {{/info}} 164 164 165 -\\ 166 166 167 167 To create a course, proceed as follows: 168 168 ... ... @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ 173 173 )))|((( 174 174 (% class="content-wrapper" %) 175 175 ((( 176 -(% style="color: rgb(51,51,51);" %)Open the tab //**Teach & Learn**//.(%%) In the left navigation area, click on the entry //**Overview and quick access**//. Here you will find the function box //**Create course**//.98 +(% style="color:#333333" %)Open the tab //**Teach & Learn**//.(%%) In the left navigation area, click on the entry //**Overview and quick access**//. Here you will find the function box //**Create course**//. 177 177 178 178 {{expand title="Alternative options ..."}} 179 179 A button for creating courses and individual learning content can also be found after opening the menu items //**My courses**// and //**My resources**//. ... ... @@ -209,185 +209,6 @@ 209 209 * **Start course editor**: This option creates the course with the settings configured and opens it in the course editor view. You can directly start filling the course with course elements. 210 210 * **Cancel**: This option closes the dialogue. The course will not be created. 211 211 ))) 212 - 213 - 214 - 215 -{{id name="oldUI"/}} 216 - 217 -=== (% style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255); color: rgb(51, 51, 51)" %)Create courses in the old user interface(%%) === 218 - 219 -To create a course in the old user interface, proceed as follows: 220 - 221 -{{expand title="Create a new (plain) course ..."}} 222 -(% class="wrapped" %) 223 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %) 224 -((( 225 -1 226 -)))|((( 227 -Open the tab //**Teach & Learn**//. In the left navigation area, click on the entry //**Overview and quick access**//. Here you will find the function box //**Create course**//. 228 -)))|((( 229 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 230 -((( 231 -[[image:attach:Lehren und Lernen - Kurs erstellen_en.png]] 232 -))) 233 -))) 234 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %) 235 -((( 236 -2 237 -)))|((( 238 -In the //**Create course**// dialogue, you can now enter a title and description for your course. Optionally, you can also add an image and assign metadata or a semester. 239 -)))|((( 240 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 241 -((( 242 -[[image:attach:Editor - Kurs erstellen Fenster_en.png]] 243 -))) 244 -))) 245 -|(% class="numberingColumn" colspan="1" %)(% class="numberingColumn" colspan="1" %) 246 -((( 247 -3 248 -)))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 249 -((( 250 -Click on **//Save //**and then on **//Finish //**to continue. 251 -)))|(% rowspan="2" %)(% rowspan="2" %) 252 -((( 253 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 254 -((( 255 -[[image:attach:Editor - Kursassistenten auswählen_en.png]] 256 -))) 257 -))) 258 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %) 259 -((( 260 -4 261 -)))|((( 262 -Choose one of the three options: 263 - 264 -* Create a plain course with a wizard (for beginners) 265 -* Start course editor (for experts) 266 -* Show details and settings 267 - 268 -(% class="wrapped" %) 269 -|(% style="width: 250.0px;" %)(% style="width: 250.0px;" %) 270 -((( 271 -Create a course with a wizard 272 -)))|((( 273 -This option opens a wizard to guide you through the first steps of the course creation. You can choose from pre-designed templates, select course elements you wish to use in your course directly from within the wizard, or [[copy one of your existing courses>>url:https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/LMSintern/.Kurs+erstellen+v3.10?focusedTaskId=17&id-.Kurserstellenv3.10-eigenenKurskopieren||shape="rect"]]. After completing the wizard, these elements will be immediately available in the course. This option is suitable for beginners. 274 -))) 275 -|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 276 -((( 277 -Create a course with the course editor 278 -)))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %) 279 -((( 280 -This option opens the course editor, which allows you to integrate course elements individually. This option is suitable for advanced users. 281 -))) 282 -|((( 283 -Show details and settings 284 -)))|((( 285 -This option opens the detailed view of the course, which includes additional information and functions. 286 -))) 287 -))) 288 -{{/expand}} 289 - 290 -{{expand title="Create a course with a wizard ..."}} 291 -(% class="wrapped" %) 292 -|((( 293 -Select the option **//Create a plain course with a wizard (for beginners)//**. 294 -)))|((( 295 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 296 -((( 297 -[[image:attach:Editor - Kursassistenten auswählen_en.png]] 298 -))) 299 -))) 300 - 301 -\\ 302 - 303 -In the **//first step// **of the wizard, you can choose between the following three options: 304 - 305 -* ((( 306 -**Create a new course**: You will create a completely new course without using a template. 307 - 308 -{{expand title="Next steps ..."}} 309 -* Select the course elements you wish to include in your course. Later, you can still add more content to your course via the course editor. 310 -* Then click on **//Finish//**. Your course will now open in view mode. 311 -\\[[image:attach:Kursassistenten - Kursbausteine wählen_en.png]] 312 -{{/expand}} 313 -))) 314 -* ((( 315 -**Copy course template**: You will create a completely new course based on a template. 316 - 317 -{{expand title="Next steps ..."}} 318 -* Select a course template from the list and click on **//Finish//**. 319 -* Your course will now open in view mode. 320 -\\[[image:attach:Kursassistenten - Kursvorlage wählen_en.png]] 321 -{{/expand}} 322 -))) 323 -* ((( 324 -**Copy an existing course**: You will copy one of your existing courses. 325 - 326 -{{expand title="Next steps ..."}} 327 -* Select one of your courses from the list. 328 -* ((( 329 -Then click on **//Finish// **to have your course copied and displayed. 330 - 331 -{{tip title="Individual course templates"}} 332 -The learning platform already contains course templates for typical standard scenarios. However, it is also possible to add further [[individually designed course templates>>url:https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/LMSintern/.Lernressourcenverwaltung+v3.10#id-.Lernressourcenverwaltungv3.10-IndividuelleKursvorlagenbereitstellen||shape="rect"]]. These course templates need to be integrated into the learning platform by the system administrator. 333 -{{/tip}} 334 - 335 -[[image:attach:Kursassistenten - Eigenen Kurs kopieren_en.png]] 336 -))) 337 -{{/expand}} 338 -))) 339 - 340 -Select one of the options and continue with the next steps. 341 -{{/expand}} 342 - 343 -== Import course == 344 - 345 -To import a course, proceed as follows: 346 - 347 -(% class="wrapped" %) 348 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %) 349 -((( 350 -1 351 -)))|((( 352 -Open the tab **//Teach & Learn //**and click on** //Import course//**. 353 -)))|((( 354 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 355 -((( 356 -[[image:attach:Lehren und Lernen - Kurs importieren_en.png]] 357 -))) 358 -))) 359 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %) 360 -((( 361 -2 362 -)))|((( 363 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 364 -((( 365 -In the dialogue, you have the option to select a file from your **//Personal folder //**or to **upload** a course **from your** **PC**. 366 - 367 -{{expand title="Import from personal folder ..."}} 368 -1. Click on **//Select folder//**. 369 -1. For the next step, select the folder from which you wish to import the course and confirm your choice with **//Select folder//**. 370 -1. Search and select your course. Confirm your choice with **//Select//**.**// 371 -//** 372 -1. As a next step, you can customise the description and metadata of the imported course. Confirm your entries with **//Save// **and **//Finish//**. 373 -1. You will then be asked if you wish to start the **editor**. 374 -{{/expand}} 375 - 376 -{{expand title="Upload from your personal computer ..."}} 377 -1. Click on **//Upload file//**. 378 -1. In the next window, you can select a course from your computer via **//Select file//**. 379 -1. Click on **//Upload//**. 380 -1. As a next step, you can customise the description and metadata of the imported course. Confirm your entries with **//Save// **and **//Finish//**. 381 -1. You will then be asked if you wish to start the **editor**. 382 -{{/expand}} 383 -))) 384 -)))|((( 385 -(% class="content-wrapper" %) 386 -((( 387 -[[image:attach:Editor - Datei wählen_en.png]] 388 -))) 389 -))) 390 390 {{/layout-cell}} 391 391 {{/layout-section}} 392 392 {{/layout}} 393 -{{/sv-translation}}
- Editor - Kurs erstellen Fenster_de.png
- Author
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +XWiki.XWikiGuest - Größe
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +16.7 KB - Inhalt
- Editor - Kurs erstellen Fenster_en.png
- Author
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +XWiki.XWikiGuest - Größe
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +14.2 KB - Inhalt
- Lehren und Lernen - Kurs erstellen_de.png
- Author
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +XWiki.XWikiGuest - Größe
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +58.8 KB - Inhalt
- Lehren und Lernen - Kurs erstellen_en.png
- Author
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +XWiki.XWikiGuest - Größe
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +15.8 KB - Inhalt
- Confluence.Code.ConfluencePageClass[0]
- id
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - 4767751751 +316675929 - url
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/SOV/wiki/spaces/LMS/pages/ 476775175/Step-by-Step Kurs erstellen1 +https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/SOV/wiki/spaces/LMS/pages/316675929/Step-by-Step Kurs erstellen