Wiki source code of Step-by-Step Kurs erstellen

Last modified by Carina Enke on 11.01.2024

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1 {{layout}}
2 {{layout-section ac:type="two_right_sidebar"}}
3 {{layout-cell}}
5 {{/layout-cell}}
7 {{layout-cell}}
8 {{panel title="Inhalt"}}
9 {{toc maxLevel="3" minLevel="2"/}}
10 {{/panel}}
11 {{/layout-cell}}
12 {{/layout-section}}
14 {{layout-section ac:type="single"}}
15 {{layout-cell}}
16 == Create course ==
18 {{info}}
19 With the release of OPAL 11.1, the course creation is available in the new user interface. How to create courses in the old user interface is explained in the section **//Create courses in the old user interface// **below.
20 {{/info}}
23 To create a course, proceed as follows:
25 (% class="wrapped" %)
26 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
27 (((
28 1
29 )))|(((
30 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
31 (((
32 (% style="color:#333333" %)Open the tab //**Teach & Learn**//.(%%) In the left navigation area, click on the entry //**Overview and quick access**//. Here you will find the function box //**Create course**//.
34 {{expand title="Alternative options ..."}}
35 A button for creating courses and individual learning content can also be found after opening the menu items //**My courses**// and //**My resources**//.
37 Depending on the system configuration and user rights, this box is also available in the **First steps** portlet on the home page.
38 {{/expand}}
39 )))
40 )))|(((
41 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
42 (((
43 [[image:attach:Lehren und Lernen - Kurs erstellen_en.png]]
44 )))
45 )))
46 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
47 (((
48 2
49 )))|(((
50 In the //**Create course**// dialogue, you can now enter a title and description for your course. Optionally, you can also add an image and assign metadata or a semester.
51 )))|(% rowspan="2" %)(% rowspan="2" %)
52 (((
53 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
54 (((
55 [[image:attach:Editor - Kurs erstellen Fenster_en.png]]
56 )))
57 )))
58 |(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
59 (((
60 3
61 )))|(((
62 To complete the course creation, choose between the following options:
64 * **Done**: This option creates the course with the settings configured and opens it in the course view.
65 * **Start course editor**: This option creates the course with the settings configured and opens it in the course editor view. You can directly start filling the course with course elements.
66 * **Cancel**: This option closes the dialogue. The course will not be created.
67 )))
68 {{/layout-cell}}
69 {{/layout-section}}
70 {{/layout}}