Changes for page ONYX
Last modified by Carina Enke on 13.01.2024
From version 1.1
edited by Carina Enke
on 03.01.2024
on 03.01.2024
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To version 5.2
edited by Carina Enke
on 13.01.2024
on 13.01.2024
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... ... @@ -1,13 +1,44 @@ 1 1 2 2 3 -[[image:at tach:Onyx_Logo.png]]3 +[[image:ONYX Logo Neu.png||alt="Onyx_Logo.png" data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center" height="151" width="300"]] 4 4 5 +{{velocity}} 6 +#panelhiddenheader($services.localization.render('')) 7 +{{html clean="false"}} 8 + <form action="$xwiki.getURL('Main.Search')" class='xformInline'> 9 + <div class="globalsearch input-group"> 10 + <label for="globalsearchinput" class="hidden">$services.localization.render('')</label> 11 + <input id="globalsearchinput" class="globalsearchinput withTip useTitleAsTip" type="text" name="text" title="$services.localization.render('')" size="15"/> 12 + <span class="input-group-btn buttonwrapper"> 13 + <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"> 14 + $services.icon.renderHTML('search')<span class="hidden">$services.localization.render('')</span> 15 + </button> 16 + </span> 17 + </div> 18 + </form> 19 +{{/html}} 20 +#panelfooter() 21 +{{/velocity}} 5 5 23 +(% data-xwiki-non-generated-content="java.util.List" %) 24 +((( 25 +" class="xwiki-metadata-container"> 6 6 7 - Suche27 +== Keyword search == 8 8 29 +{{display reference="ONYX.Stichwörter Onyx.WebHome"/}} 30 +))) 31 + 32 +{{box}} 9 9 == Keyword search == 10 10 35 +{{display reference="ONYX.Stichwörter Onyx.WebHome"/}} 36 +{{/box}} 37 + 38 +(% data-xwiki-non-generated-content="java.util.List" %) 39 +((( 40 +" class="xwiki-metadata-container"> 41 + 11 11 == Support == 12 12 13 13 (% style="text-align: left;" %) ... ... @@ -14,4 +14,15 @@ 14 14 You could not find an answer to your question? There are topics that you miss in our help? 15 15 16 16 (% style="text-align: left;" %) 17 -For further information or assistance, please contact our support: [[>>||shape="rect"]]. 48 +For further information or assistance, please contact our support: [[support@bps-system>>mailto:support@bps-system]]. 49 +))) 50 + 51 +{{box}} 52 +== Support == 53 + 54 +(% style="text-align: left;" %) 55 +You could not find an answer to your question? There are topics that you miss in our help? 56 + 57 +(% style="text-align: left;" %) 58 +For further information or assistance, please contact our support: [[support@bps-system>>mailto:support@bps-system]]. 59 +{{/box}}