03 Registration

Last modified by Carina Enke on 13.02.2024

To be able to use ONYX Editor and to create task and test content, you need to have a user account.


You can also access ONYX Editor as a guest in which case no registration is needed. As a guest, however, you will not be able to benefit from the full functionality of ONYX Editor, and your content will only be temporarily saved for the time of your current user session.


Create user account

You can sign up for ONYX Editor for free via the link "register now for free" on the start page, below the login form. Fill in the registration form and read the terms of use.

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If you use ONYX Editor within the learning platform OPAL, an additional registration will not be necessary. You can work with ONYX Editor via your user account of the learning platform.

Forgot password

If you have forgotten your password, you can create a password link, which allows you to set a new password. For this purpose, use the link "Forgot password" on the start page, below the login form.

Enter your email address or user name. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.

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If you use ONYX Editor within the learning platform OPAL, you can reset your password via your OPAL user account.