Last modified by Carina Enke on 14.01.2024

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4 Overall, various failure components can disrupt the test procedure. If a fault occurs, time and duration may affect the actions to be taken. Some suitable actions will be described below.
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16 == Scenario 1: Client PC failure ==
18 |(((
19 Description:
20 )))|(((
21 Faults at a learner’s workstation (client PC) occur during the test.
22 )))
23 |(((
24 Action:
25 )))|(((
26 Technical faults at individual workstations should not cause any disadvantages to the students. The test system will ensure a smooth continuation of the test at a replacement computer, crediting the elapsed time since the last question was accessed.
27 )))
28 |(((
29 Necessary precautions:
30 )))|(((
31 The PC pool, where the test takes place, provides free workstations (client PCs). To perform tests, the examiner needs to adapt the configuration of the course element in the learning platform accordingly. Both the exam mode and exam control must be enabled.
32 )))
33 |(((
34 Workflow:
35 )))|(((
36 cf. procedures guide for the failure of a client PC
37 )))
39 (% id="HScenario2:Powerfailure" class="auto-cursor-target" %)
40 == Scenario 2: Power failure ==
42 |(((
43 Description:
44 )))|(((
45 A power failure occurs in the PC pool before or during the test.
46 )))
47 |(((
48 Action:
49 )))|(((
50 Necessary actions depend on the time and duration of the failure. The following matrix lists suitable actions, along with corresponding dependencies. An individual or global extension of the test processing time is possible.
52 (% style="letter-spacing:0.0px" %)In the event of major faults (e. g. persistent power failure), the examination board may decide to retake the test.
53 )))
55 |=(((
56 Time / Duration
57 )))|=(((
58 **Failure < 15 min**
59 )))|=(((
60 **Failure > 15 min**
61 )))
62 |=(((
63 Before test
64 )))|(((
65 No restriction
66 )))|(((
67 Switch to pen & paper exam
68 )))
69 |=(((
70 During test
72 **(< 15 min)**
73 )))|(((
74 Continue e-test, credit time
75 )))|(((
76 Switch to pen & paper exam, credit time
77 )))
78 |=(((
79 During test
81 **(> 15 min)**
82 )))|(((
83 Continue e-test, credit time
84 )))|(((
85 Cancel e-test
86 )))
88 |(((
89 Necessary precautions:
90 )))|(((
91 Provide the test as a pen & paper exam. The ONYX help authoring tool offers a PDF export of the created test. To continue the e-test, the examiner needs to adapt the configuration of the course element in the learning platform accordingly. Both the exam mode and exam control must be enabled.
92 )))
93 |(((
94 Workflow “Switch to pen & paper exam”:
95 )))|(((
96 Export the test as a PDF file using the ONYX Editor before the test start time. Make sure that the “Show solution” option is disabled (default setting). Print out the documents for each participant.
98 If you switch to a pen & paper exam, the test must be assessed manually. Test results may also be entered in the assessment view for the e-test. The result data can then be further processed electronically.
100 **The system operator must be informed immediately to secure the responses already entered by the participants.**
101 )))
102 |(((
103 Workflow: “Continue e-test”:
104 )))|(((
105 After the power failure, the PCs must be restarted. All participants must log back into the learning platform and reopen the test. The rest of the procedure is analogous to the workflow in the event of a client PC failure (cf. procedures guide for the failure of a client PC).
107 (% style="letter-spacing:0.0px" %)The test automatically opens where the learner left off. It will be displayed in the exact same way as before the interruption. This includes dynamically generated test data (e. g. if the options shuffle and random selection or the use of parameters had been enabled) as well as all of the learner’s responses.
108 )))
110 (% id="HScenario3:Networkfailure" class="auto-cursor-target" %)
111 == Scenario 3: Network failure ==
113 |(((
114 Description:
115 )))|(((
116 A failure of the PC pool network occurs during the test. An Internet connection is no longer possible, or only to a very limited extent.
117 )))
118 |(((
119 Action:
120 )))|(((
121 cf. power failure
122 )))
123 |(((
124 Necessary precautions:
125 )))|(((
126 cf. power failure
127 )))
128 |(((
129 Workflow “Continue e-test”:
130 )))|(((
131 As soon as faults occur in the network, all participants should be asked to interrupt processing the test. Only then it can be guaranteed that the exam situation will be the same for all participants. During the network failure, the currently displayed page can be further processed. However, it will not be possible to open new test pages (e. g. navigation via the navigation tree, next or previous buttons) or to finish the test.
133 (% style="letter-spacing:0.0px" %)In contrast to a power failure, the participant will remain logged in to the system (learning platform / ONYX) and does not have to reopen the test. As soon as the network is available again, the participant can continue to work on the active test.
135 (% style="letter-spacing:0.0px" %)If the exam is limited in processing time, the participant must be credited for the processing time lost due to the network failure. To do this, select all participants using the exam control and choose the option “Continue”. Set the additional processing time in the “Continue test” dialogue and confirm your settings with “Yes”. The test does not have to be restarted.
136 )))
138 (% id="HScenario4:ONYXfailure" class="auto-cursor-target" %)
139 == Scenario 4: ONYX failure ==
141 |(((
142 Description:
143 )))|(((
144 A failure of the ONYX server occurs during the test.
145 )))
146 |(((
147 Note:
148 )))|(((
149 The servers of the used systems ONYX and the learning platform are professionally operated and continuously monitored in the data centre. A connection to the German Gigabit university network and the use of fail-safe technology (e. g. L4 switch) ensure both a high-performance and fail-safe operation.
150 )))
151 |(((
152 Action:
153 )))|(((
154 cf. power failure
155 )))
156 |(((
157 Necessary precautions:
158 )))|(((
159 cf. power failure
160 )))
161 |(((
162 Workflow:
163 )))|(((
164 cf. power failure
165 )))
167 (% id="HScenario5:Learningplatformfailure" class="auto-cursor-target" %)
168 == Scenario 5: Learning platform failure ==
170 |(((
171 Description:
172 )))|(((
173 A failure of the learning platform server occurs during the test. Processing the test will still be possible without any restrictions. However, it will not be possible to submit the test electronically while the server is down.
174 )))
175 |(((
176 Note:
177 )))|(((
178 The servers of the used systems ONYX and the learning platform are professionally operated and continuously monitored in the data centre. A connection to the German Gigabit university network and the use of fail-safe technology (e. g. L4 switch) ensure both a high-performance and fail-safe operation.
179 )))
180 |(((
181 Action:
182 )))|(((
183 The learning platform cannot be reached during downtime. Therefore, the test results cannot be submitted. If the learning platform for the test system (ONYX server) is not accessible, the participant will be informed accordingly when submitting the test. The transfer of results can be repeated later.
185 If the fault persists, the results can be downloaded by the participant and sent manually to the tutor. In this case, the test must also be assessed manually. Test results may also be entered in the assessment view for the e-test. The result data can then be further processed electronically.
186 )))
188 (% class="auto-cursor-target" %)
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