
Last modified by Carina Enke on 14.01.2024

Metadata is descriptive meta-information, which can be added to tasks and test content. It helps to structure content and make it queryable, especially in the case of large amounts of content.

In addition to traditional metadata such as title, description, and keywords, you can provide your test questions with comprehensive classification information regarding learning objectives, department, module, target group, and level of difficulty. All metadata is queryable and can be used as a basis for an Attribute-oriented test compilation.

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The metadata description and storage is carried out on the basis of the internationally recognised IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) Standards. The metadata fields are freely configurable depending on the ONYX system. Therefore, the displayed fields may differ from the ones described here.



The metadata category General contains central information about the opened resource. Apart from information on the title, a description and the assignment of the language used, you can also add keywords to the resource. Using the button Show details, you can display further specific metadata such as the identifier. This ID allows you to search for content in the search field.

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Origin and status

The metadata category Origin and status will give you an overview of the content's life cycle: When and by whom the content was created, and when it was last edited. The author can also record a processing status.

Metadata field: Status

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The processing status provides important information on the current degree of completion and thus on the quality of the content. It is possible to choose between the statuses Draft and Final. By applying a status, simple editing and review processes can be realised.

As is true for all metadata fields, the status can be used to search for content or to display all content with a specific status, e.g. draft. In addition, the status can also be displayed in the summary tables in order to get a quick overview of the content statuses.

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The metadata category Classification allows you, among other things, to add information on the learning objectives, department, module, target group, and degree of difficulty.

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