Wiki source code of Rollen und Rechte

Last modified by Carina Enke on 16.01.2024

Show last authors
1 {{layout}}
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4 The learning platform offers a wide range of configuration options to assign so-called roles and rights, which can be individually coordinated and combined.
7 {{/layout-cell}}
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14 == (% style="color:#3e4444" %)Roles and rights in the learning platform(%%) ==
16 The complex roles and rights system of the learning platform extends across the following levels:
18 * System level
19 * Combination of user and content level
20 * Content level
22 [[image:attach:Rechte und Rollen_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
24 == ==
27 == Roles and their meaning ==
30 === Main roles ===
33 The learning platform generally differentiates between four main roles:
35 * Guest
36 * Registered user
37 * Author
38 * System administrator
40 In addition to these four main roles, it is also possible to assign more specific roles:
42 * Group administrator
43 * User administrator
44 * Learning resource administrator
45 * Group tutor
47 According to their assigned role, users will receive specific rights which allow them to act within the institution released for them.
50 (% class="wrapped" %)
51 |=(((
52 Role
53 )))|=(((
54 Rights of the role
55 )))
56 |(((
57 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
58 **Guest**
59 )))|(((
60 * No registration required
61 * Limited access to the learning platform
62 * Shared learning content can be viewed (course status: BARG)
63 * Learning activities are not possible
64 )))
65 |(((
66 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
67 **[[(External) user>>doc:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Administration.Benutzerverwaltung.Rollen und Rechte.Benutzerrolle Externer Nutzer.WebHome]]**
68 )))|(((
69 * Registration via self-registration
70 * Assignment of a user name
71 * Read access to the learning platform
72 * Shared learning content can be viewed (course status: BARG)
73 * Learning activities are only possible to a limited extent (e. g. writing forum posts)
74 * Customisable home page
75 * Individual storage space
76 )))
77 |(((
78 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
79 **(Registered) user**
80 )))|(((
81 * Registration by an associated institution
82 * Assignment of a user name
83 * Read access to the learning platform
84 * Shared learning content of the institution can be viewed
85 * Learning activities are possible
86 * Customisable home page
87 * Individual storage space
88 * Groups can be created
89 )))
90 |(((
91 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
92 **Author**
93 )))|(((
94 * Cf. (registered) user
95 * Course creation and management of own courses
96 * Participant management in learning groups
97 * Assessment and evaluation of participant posts
98 )))
99 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
100 (((
101 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
102 **System administrator**
103 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
104 (((
105 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
106 All rights of all roles
107 )))
108 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
109 (((
110 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
111 **Group administrator**
112 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
113 (((
114 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
115 Rights to manage groups analogous to the system administrator rights for this area
116 )))
117 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
118 (((
119 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
120 **User administrator**
121 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
122 (((
123 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
124 Rights to manage existing users analogous to the system administrator rights for this area
125 )))
126 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
127 (((
128 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
129 **Learning resource administrator**
130 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
131 (((
132 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
133 (((
134 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
135 Rights to manage learning resources analogous to the system administrator rights for this area
137 (% class="box infomessage" %)
138 (((
139 "Rights to manage learning resources" here refers to all **editing functions** of a learning resource, e. g. of a course, but not to the course view. This means a learning resource administrator will see the course view in the same way as a learner. In the case of [[visibility and access restrictions>>doc:LMS._Include Library.Kursseiten.Kurshauptknoten\: Verfügbare Tabs im Editor.Sichtbarkeit und Zugriff.WebHome]], these rules will therefore also apply to a learning resource administrator, depending on the configuration.
140 )))
141 )))
142 )))
143 |(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
144 (((
145 (% class="TableParagraph" %)
146 **Tutor (learning group)**
147 )))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
148 (((
149 (% class="content-wrapper" %)
150 (((
151 * Rights to manage a course-related learning group (a more specific list of functions can be found on the [[Tutor of a group>>doc:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Lehren.Gruppen Ueberblick.Betreuer einer Gruppe.WebHome||shape="rect"]] help page
152 * No access to the course editor
153 * No access to data archiving
155 (% class="box infomessage" %)
156 (((
157 The group management right **extends the user role.** In the case of general visibility and access rules for course elements, e. g. "Blocked for learners", users with the right to manage groups will therefore not be affected and may potentially see course elements in the course view or have access to these elements' content. The [[Internal course area for a limited user group>>doc:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Lehren.Leitfäden.Kursinternen Bereich für eine eingeschränkte Nutzergruppe.WebHome]] help page describes a possible solution for a scenario in which group tutors should not have access to specific course information.
158 )))
159 )))
160 )))
162 {{tip}}
163 User administrators can assign the "author" system role individually for several institutions (attributes) in the settings for each user. This supports the scenario that an author can also find other authors (from the other institution configured in their system role) for their own learning resources and assign them as owners.
164 {{/tip}}
166 {{info}}
167 The "author" system role can also be set automatically by the system when configured values are transmitted (e. g. via Shib login). If you wish to activate this function for your institution, we will be happy to assist you.
168 {{/info}}
170 === ===
173 === Right groups ===
176 Besides the roles listed above, it is also possible to grant registered users without author rights access to certain administrative course areas. This is done via right groups.
178 These administrative areas may include:
180 * Administration of a course's group management
181 * Administration of a course's assessment management
182 * Administration of a course's content
183 * etc.
185 These rights can be assigned individually to participants by an author.
189 === Visibility and access ===
192 [[Access to learning content>>doc:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Lehren.Kurs.Freigabe von Kursen und Kursinhalten.WebHome]] can be individually regulated as required. You can generally limit content for everyone in terms of
194 * Visibility and
195 * Access
197 or you can impose certain conditions:
199 * Time period
200 * Group membership
201 * Assessment (passed, score, mark, etc.)
202 * User attributes (department, name, email, institution, etc.)
203 * User type (author, user, etc.)
205 Of course, these general and specific limitations can also be combined.
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