Create and manage learning areas
Create learning area
Learning areas are created similarly to learning groups. Again, there are two options to do this:
- You can use the group management to create learning areas for your course.
- Via the course editor, you can create group-dependent visibility and access rules for course elements as well as new learning areas.
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2. Select the button New learning area in the table head of the page Groups in the course. | |
3. The window New learning area opens. 4. Assign a title and optionally a description. 5. Select the related learning groups by clicking the checkbox in front of the desired groups. 6. Close the configuration with a click on Finish. |
Edit learning area
You can also assign learning groups to a learning area or remove existing assignments later on.
Proceed as follows:
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4. To open an existing learning area for editing, click on the title of the learning area. Alternatively, you can also use the edit button in the column Actions. | |
5. The learning area opens in the editing mode. 6. Perform new group assignments or remove existing ones in the area Assigned Groups. Simply select or unselect the checkbox in front of the desired learning groups. 7. In this view, you will additionally find an info icon in the upper right corner, which provides access to the group mailing list if the option for sending emails to group users has been enabled in the system. 8. Confirm your settings with Save. Use the group mailing list: This button opens the group email addresses. Using these email addresses, you may also send messages from an external email programme directly to the users of the selected group.
To send an email to the members of the group, just click on the link provided. Your email programme opens automatically and the selected group address is entered as the recipient of the new email.