Edit Wiki page content

Last modified by Moritz Baumgarten on 16.01.2024

You can edit and enhance existing wiki articles at any time. 

To edit the content text of an article, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the desired article (for example using the button From A to Z, which will show all entries in alphabetical order.)
  2. Click on the tab Edit article.
  3. Make your desired changes.
  4. To save your changes, you have three options:

    • Save: Select this button to save your article. You will remain in the editing mode.
    • Save and display: Select this button to save the content of your article and to have it displayed in the user view. You will automatically exit the editing environment.
    • Show preview: Select this button to preview the article from the users' perspective. The current processing status of the article will be displayed below the edit window.

Wikieditor - Artikeländerung speichern_en.png