Insert VR-content

Last modified by Moritz Baumgarten on 15.01.2024

VR content from the web, such as 3D models by Sketchfab, can be embedded in many places on the learning platform via the text editor using embed code.


If VR content is available as a WebGL or HTML5 export, it can also be embedded directly in the course and opened as an internal page. For more information on this option, see the Embed file with VR content help page in the single page course element section.

Kursrun - 3D Modell in einer Seite_de.png


Make VR content available via embed code

The Sketchfab web service offers the chance to view the 3D models available there and to interact with these models in the browser using a mouse, touch, virtual reality or augmented reality. The display and (simple) integration of the models, e. g. on a website, are possible for all (publicly accessible) 3D models without a user account. For more information about Sketchfab and other tools to view and create 3D content, see the opalVR course.

To embed a Sketchfab 3D model on an internal page, proceed as follows:

First, you need the embed code of the VR content. In Sketchfab, you will find this code in the detailed view of the 3D content in the </> Embed area. Set the format to iframe and adjust the size if necessary. Save the displayed code to a clipboard.

Skatchfab - Einbettungscode anzeigen_de.png

Now open the text editor, e. g. for a single page course element, where you wish to paste the VR content. Select Insert from the tool area of the text editor. A list opens. Click on the Media selection option.

Textditor - Video einfügen_de.png

In the dialogue that opens, select the displayed Embed tab. Enter your embed code in the text field.

Textditor - Einbettungscode einfügen_de.png

If necessary, you can also adjust the size later in the General tab. Close the dialogue with OK.

Textditor - Größe anpassen_de.png

A placeholder for the VR content will then appear in the text field. Save your page with Save and close.

Textditor - Speichern_de.png

The editor view of the page closes, and you see the VR content on the displayed page in the course view.

Kursrun - 3D Modell in einer Seite_de.png