Embed a video

Last modified by Moritz Baumgarten on 15.01.2024

You can support the learning process visually or auditorily with a short video or audio excerpt. Therefore, appropriate media can be used in a course or course element in different ways. Besides file storage, which is rather unsuitable for larger media files, you can for example provide the user with a link or offer media that can be played directly in the course element. 

For easy integration of media, use the internal text editor. This page offers step-by-step instructions on how to do this.



The playback of the different media formats depends on the device and browser used. The formats mp3 or mp4 are recommended.



Make video available by embed code

This option is suitable for videos that should not be uploaded to the OPAL learning platform because they are already available elsewhere. A video embedded in this way is displayed in the course view with a preview image. The video can be started directly from there by clicking the Play button. The user does not have to switch to another page or tab.

Kursrun - eingebettetes Video_en.png

To embed a video on an internal page, proceed as follows:


First, you need the embed code of the video. You can usually find this code in the editing area of your video platform. For individual platforms, the Find embed code page describes from where you can copy this code. Save the code to a clipboard.

VCS - Einbettungscode_en.png


Now open the text editor, e. g. in a single page course element, to which you wish to paste the video. Select Insert from the tool area of the text editor. A list opens. Here click on the Media selection option.

Tiny - Video einfügen_en.png


In the dialogue that opens, select the displayed Embed tab. Enter your embed code in the text field. Close the dialogue with OK.

Tiny - Einbettungscode_en.png


A placeholder for the video will then appear in the text field. Save your page with Save and close.

Tiny - Schließen_en.png


The editor view of the page closes, and you will see the playable video on the displayed page in the course view.

Kursrun - eingebettetes Video_en.png


Icon_Logo VCS.png

If you use a video from the Videocampus Sachsen for embedding, please check the options set there for your medium in the “Visibility of publication” area. At least the “hidden” and “allow anonymous access” options must be activated for the video to be visible in OPAL.

Here is a small overview of the other options available there:

  • Private: Not available to other users
  • Hidden (if applicable + Anonymous): Can be found via a link
  • Public (if applicable + Anonymous): Can be found via the Videocampus’s media overview
  • Anonymous: Access is also possible without login. This is important for embedding media on other websites.

By using an embedded code, other content that is available via URL can also be integrated into an HTML page. Application examples can be found here Inhalte einbetten.


If the video should not be visible in such a prominent way, as it is rather complementary to the text, it might be a good idea to include the video/audio file as a link. Here the user is shown a simple link entry, which can optionally be used to open the video in a new browser tab.

Kursrun - Link_en.png

To insert the link to a video, proceed as follows:


Open the text editor and create or edit the text. Select the Insert link iconIcon_Link.pngfrom the menu bar of the editor.

Tiny - Link einfügen_en.png


A dialogue opens in which you can directly enter the link address. Alternatively, you can also access all linkable files via theIcon_Durchsuchen.pngicon at the end of the URL line.


The file selection dialogue opens. Use the Add button Icon_Plus.png to select the desired target file or the Upload buttonIcon_Hochladen.pngto upload a new file which can then also be selected.

Tiny - Datei auswählen_en.png


As a next optional step, you can specify a link text to be displayed on the page instead of the URL as well as an alternative title and the link's jump target. Confirm your entries in the dialogue by clicking on OK.

Save the page with Save and close.

Tiny - Link konfigurieren_en.png


The editor view of the page closes, and you will see the inserted link on the displayed page in the course view.

Kursrun - Link_en.png


Insert uploaded video directly

If a video or audio file is already available in the course storage folder, it can also be displayed in the page text in a playable format. This option is useful if the medium has not yet been uploaded to a video platform.

Kursrun - Video direkt_en.png

To insert a video in this way, proceed as follows:


Open the text editor and go to the position in the text where the medium should be displayed.

Tiny - Video einfügen_en.png


In the menu area, select Insert and then click on Media.


A dialogue opens in which you can enter the link source. To display all files that can be linked, click the browse iconIcon_Durchsuchen.pngnext to the link source.

Tiny - Dialog Video einfügen_en.png


The media management dialogue opens. Use the Add button Icon_Plus.png to select the desired target file or the Upload buttonIcon_Hochladen.png to upload a new file which can then also be selected.

Tiny - Videodatei auswählen_en.png


If necessary, enter additional optional information. Confirm your entries in the dialogue by clicking on OK.

Save the page with Save and close.


The video is now displayed on the page and can be directly played or downloaded depending on the device and media format.

Kursrun - Video direkt_en.png