My favourites

Last modified by Moritz Baumgarten on 09.01.2024

Icon_Stern gelb.png Courses, independent learning resources, groups, and catalogue categories can be marked as favourites.

Favourites can be used as a fast and targeted access to content. In the Portlet Favourites on the home page of the learning platform and in the tab Teach & Learn under Favourites, you can directly open the desired content with one click. In addition, you can also sort various lists by favourites.


Add or remove favourites

To mark content as a favourite, you have the following options


Desktop view

Mobile view

In the opened resource:

Click on the star icon in the header area of the opened resource (course, learning resource, group, or catalogue category). The star changes its colour to yellow. This implies that the resource is marked as a favourite.

To remove an existing favourite, click on the yellow star icon. It will then lose its colour marking. This implies that you have successfully unmarked this resource.

A supplementary video is available for this function

Kursrun - Kurs als Favorit setzen_desktop_en.png

Kursrun - Kurs als Favorit setzen_mobil_en.png

In a list:

Switch to the tab Teach & Learn. Then open the list which contains the desired resource. Click on the star icon of the resource in the Favourites column. The star changes its colour to yellow. This implies that the resource is marked as a favourite.

To remove an existing favourite, click on the yellow star icon. It will then lose its colour marking. This implies that you have successfully unmarked this resource.

LuL - Favorit setzen_desktop_en.png

LuL - Favorit setzen_mobil_en.png


Once a resource has been marked as a favourite, it appears in the Favourites portlet on the home page.

In the tab Teach & Learn, only resources (but no groups) are displayed under Favourites.

Set course as home page

As an extension of the favourites function, you can set a course or learning resource as a home page that will open automatically upon successful login.

Set course/learning resource as home page ...

Set course or learning resource as home page

You can set any course or learning resource visible to you as your personal home page. After successful login, you will then be directed to this page.

A supplementary video is available for this function.

1Open the resource you wish to set as your home page.

Kurs als Startseite entfernen_en


Click on the expand icon the upper right corner.

3Select the entry Set “course/learning resource” as home page.
4With the next login, this course or learning resource will be displayed directly after the login.

Change selected home page

Once you select the entry Set “course/learning resource” as home page from within another resource, this new resource will be displayed after the login.

Remove course or learning resource as home page

To display portlets on your home page again, proceed as follows:

1Log in to the platform. The resource currently selected as your home page opens.

Kurs als Sartseite entferen_en


Click on the expand icon the upper right corner.

3Select the entry Remove “course/learning resource” as home page.

With the next login, your home page will again display portlets.