Personalise your home page

Last modified by Carina Enke on 23.01.2024

After logging in to the platform, the home page section will be displayed by default with different portlets. Portlets are elements that you can not only use as shortcuts, but also for the purpose of individualising your home page.


Alternatively, you can also set any course or learning resource available to you as your home page, depending on where you wish to begin in the system after logging in.


Available portlets

Depending on the system configuration, the following portlets will be available to you:

Name of the portlet



First Steps

Some basic functions are offered as quick access, e. g. to create or import a course or learning resource. This also includes quick access to the question bank for test resources.



This portlet gives you an overview of all courses and groups that you have marked as favourites.


Recently Opened

Your last opened courses are linked here.


Assessment Results

You will be shown an overview of all courses that you have already completed.


My Groups

This portlet lists all groups in which you are registered as a tutor or participant.



This portlet lists all the courses you are responsible for as a supervisor. It is only visible to authors.



You will be shown a list of all courses in which you are enrolled.

Icon_Meine Institution.png

My Institution

This portlet displays information about your institution. Administrators for an institution and system administrators can adapt the portlet's content to their respective institution.


Interesting Information

This portlet provides a general search field to find resources, and it displays courses that may sound interesting to you in preview boxes. Therefore, the most frequently opened courses in one month will be selected from your course catalogue. You can also reduce the search period in the portlet configuration.


Course News

Here you can see messages from subscribed courses.



This portlet displays interesting information about the learning platform. Its content is also displayed on the login page and can only be edited by system administrators.


My Events

This portlet shows all upcoming dates for the next 7 days from your calendar.


My Notes

This portlet gives you quick access to your course notes.

Activate and deactivate portlets

Depending on the content you need when working with the learning platform, you can activate different portlets and reposition them as required. The positioning is done via drag and drop. Simply drag the portlet to the desired position.

A supplementary video is available for this function.

Activate portlets

To add portlets to the home page, proceed as follows:


Open the Home page tab.



Click on Add portlet.

Startseite-Portlet hinzufügen_en.png


A window opens with a list of all available portlets.

Startseite-Portlet auswählen_en.png


Click on Add to add all desired portlets.


The window closes and the selected portlet(s) will be displayed on the home page.


Move the portlet(s) via drag and drop to the desired position in order to customise your home page.


The availability of the different types of portlets depends on both the configuration of the learning platform and your institution. For example, the My Notes portlet is not available to all users.

Deactivate portlets

To remove portlets from the home page, proceed as follows:


Open the Home page tab.



Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the portlet to open the configuration menu.

Startseite-Portlet konfigurieren_en.png


Select Hide to remove the portlet from your home page.


A removed portlet can be reintegrated into the home page at any time via Add portlet.

Configure portlets

To customise the elements of a portlet, proceed as follows:


Open the Home page tab.



Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the portlet to open the configuration menu.

Startseite-Portlet konfigurieren_en.png


Select the Configure.


The following configuration options will be available to you depending on the selected portlet:

Number of elements

Define the number of elements to be displayed. By default, six entries will be shown. You can increase the number of elements up to a maximum of 20 entries.


Define the order of the displayed entries. You can choose between Increasing, Decreasing, and Newest first.

Select all visible entries

When you open this list, all entries available to you will be displayed. Using the checkboxes, you can select specific entries to be displayed.


If you select more checkboxes than configured in the Number of elements field, not all of the selected elements will be displayed.


If configuration restrictions prevent some entries from being displayed, a note in the title of the portlet will inform you about the number of entries that are actually available.

Startseite-Konfigurationsoptionen im Portlet_en.png

Startseite - Portlet mit Badge_en.png

Edit the content of the "My Institution" portlet

Only the institution's administrators as well as system administrators can customise the content of the portlet My Institution.  

For further information please refer to Institution Portlet.

Set course or learning resource as home page

For further information please refer to Set or remove Course or Learning Resource as Homepage.