Personal calendar

Last modified by Carina Enke on 29.04.2024


KB_Kalender.png  In your personal calendar, you can manage all your appointments in one place. You can create new private appointments or add course calendars. Further, it is possible to integrate external calendars via file upload (iCal format) or URL. Different colours will help you mark and differentiate calendar types.


The management of the personal calendar is only available in the desktop view. In the mobile view, use the portlet My dates on the home page to track your schedule. For more information, see the section Personalise home page.

Show personal calendar

To open your personal calendar, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the arrow icon next to your profile and select the entry Personal calendar .

Einstellungen-Persönlicher Kalender öffnen_en.png

2. Your calendar opens in a new window. The window is structured as follows:

  • Navigation and view options can be found in the upper area.
  • The middle area displays the actual calendar sheet in the selected view.
  • The lower area contains the calendar list. All calendars which are linked to this calendar are displayed here. This includes calendars from the system (course and group calendars) and manually imported calendars. Your own calendar is displayed in blue by default.

Einstellungen - Persönlicher Kalender Bereiche_en.png

Calendar navigation

Use the navigation aid in the upper left corner of the calendar to navigate to the desired date in the selected view:


The navigation aid allows you to quickly navigate to the next/previous day, the next/previous week, or the next/previous month. Moreover, you can navigate to the current date with just one click.


Click on the left arrow to navigate to the previous day, week, or month. The right arrow, in contrast, will take you to the next day, week, or month.

The navigation depends on the calendar view (day, week, or month) you selected. 

Arrow symbols
Icon-heute_en.pngClick on today to navigate to the current date.Today button


To maintain a good overview of upcoming appointments, you can switch between different views. Use the buttons in the upper right corner of the calendar:


The monthly overview gives you an overview of the entire current month.

  1. Open the course element Calendar .
  2. Click on month in the calendar navigation.
Kursbaustein Kalender - Monat_en.png



The weekly overview allows you to view all upcoming appointments in the current week.

  1. Open the course element Calendar .
  2. Click on week in the calendar navigation.
Kursbaustein Kalender - Woche_en.png



The daily overview gives you an overview of the current day

  1. Open the course element Calendar .
  2. Click on day in the calendar navigation.
Kursbaustein Kalender - Tag_en.png

Create, edit, or delete appointments

Create appointment

You will find further information at Create Appointment .

Edit appointment

You will find further information at Edit Appointments.


Delete appointment

You will find further information at Delete Appointments.


Functions in the calendar list

For functions of the calendar list look at Functions of the calendar list.

For functions to edit the calendar look at Editing functions of the calendar list.

Add course calendar to your personal calendar

To add a course calendar to your personal calendar, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the course and switch to the course calendar or a course element of the type calendar.
  2. Click the Add to personal calendar button above the course calendar.
  3. The course dates will now be added to your personal calendar. Course calendars/dates are highlighted in green, unless you have set a different colour for the calendar.

Kurs-Kurskalender zum persönlichen Kalender hinzufügen_en.png

InformationGroup calendars will be automatically added to your personal calendar upon enrolment. Group calendars are highlighted in orange, unless you have set a different colour for the calendar.