Edit Blog Entry

Last modified by Carina Enke on 15.01.2024

  1. Open the course element Blog.
  2. Select the post you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
  3. The editing mode opens.
  4. Make your desired changes. You can also use the formatting options in the editor.
  5. Confirm with Publish or Save as draft.

Save as draft: Select this button if the post is not yet finished. A post saved as a draft is only visible to the creator. In the post overview, it is greyed out. You can edit, publish, or delete your post at any time.

Publish: Once your post is finished, it can be published. You can flexibly control the time at which the post will be visible to users.

  • Publish immediately: Select the button Publish. The post is automatically published, and you do not need to make any changes to the date field.
  • Publish later: Select Date and time of publishing and adjust both fields accordingly. Then click on Publish.

Kurseditor Blog Eintrag bearbeiten_en.png