Moderate Forum

Last modified by Carina Enke on 11.01.2024

If you have the right to moderate in the forum, the following functions will be available to you: 

Hide topic

A hidden topic will no longer be visible to users without moderating rights.

How to do that?
  1. Open the course element Forum and the topic you want to hide.
  2. Click on the down arrow next to the Subscribe button and select Hide topic.

Follow the same procedure to make the topic visible again. 

Kursrun - Forum  Thema verstecken_en.png 


Close topic

If a topic has been closed, it is no longer possible to respond to it.

How to do that?
  1. Open the course element Forum and the topic you want to close.
  2. Click on the down arrow next to the Subscribe button and select Close topic.

Follow the same procedure to reopen the topic.

 Kursrun - Forum Thema beenden_en.png