Open Flashcard Set Edit View

Last modified by Carina Enke on 11.01.2024

Open the edit view of the resource Flashcard Set in one of the following ways:

  • Open edit view via the detailed view of the resource
  • Open edit view via the course editor

Open edit view via the detailed view of the resource:

  1. Find the relevant resource in the overview of your learning resources (Teach & Learn>My Resources>Flashcard Sets).
  2. Mark the title of the resource in the list of displayed flashcard set resources. The detailed view of the resource will open in a new tab.
  3. Click on the edit icon at the top of the page. 

Detailansicht Ressource -Lernkartei_en.png

Open edit view via the course editor:

  1. Open a course in which you use the relevant learning resource Flashcard Set as a course element.
  2. Switch to the course editor.
  3. Open the relevant course element Flashcard Set and go to the tab Configuration.
  4. Click on Edit.

Kurseditor Lernkartei - editieren_en.png