Create Flashcard

Last modified by Carina Enke on 11.01.2024

Create a new flashcard

  1. Open the flashcard set resource in the editing mode.
  2. Click on the create flashcard icon. 
  3. A new flashcard will be added to the structure and displayed in the editing area. 

The flashcards are displayed in alphabetical order. This sorting does not affect the order of the display during the learning action.

Lernkartei - Lernkarte erstellen_en.png

Specify a title

4. Give your new flashcard a title by clicking on the entry New flashcard. A text field opens in which you can enter your title.

5. Confirm your title with Enter or click on an empty area outside the field. The new title will be applied and added to the alphabetically sorted structure.

Lernkartei - Lernkarte Titel_en.png

Enter content

6. Fill the flashcard with content: 

  • Front: Here you can enter a question the learner will need to answer.
  • Back: The back of the flashcard contains the correct answer (sample solution) to the question on the front.
  • Metadata: Flashcards can be filtered by category and level of difficulty. You can assign this metadata to encourage flexible learning. The metadata item Other is not displayed when learning with flashcards, since it is only meant for the author to take notes.

Lernkartei - Lernkarte Vorderseite Rückseite Metadaten_en.png


7. Confirm your entries with Save.

Lernkartei - Lernkarte speichern_en.png