Wiki Article Table of Contents

Last modified by Carina Enke on 12.01.2024


A table of contents for an article is automatically generated if there are at least four headings at the same level.

Insert heading ...

To mark a text element as a heading, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the wiki article and switch to the tab Edit article to open the edit view.
  2. Mark the text you wish to turn into a heading.
  3. Then click on the formatting option heading or use the wiki syntax for headings.

Wikieditor - Icon Überschrift_en.png

4. The text marked as a heading is now represented in the wiki syntax as follows:


Wikieditor - Beispielüberschrift_en.png

5. When using at least four headings in an article, an automatic table of contents is generated in the article view at the beginning of the entry.

Kursrun - Inhaltsverzeichnis im Wiki_en.png