Import calendar

Last modified by Moritz Baumgarten on 09.01.2024

To import a calendar, proceed as follows ...
  1. Click on Import calendar below the calendar sheet.

Kalender - Schaltfläche Kalender importieren_en.png

2. The window Import calendar opens. Select whether you want to import the calendar as a .ical file or as a URL.

3. Indicate the URL or upload the .ical file and enter a name for the imported calendar.

Kalender - Kalender importieren URL_en.png

Kalender - Kalender importieren Datei_en.png

4. Confirm your entries with Save.

Kalender - Kalender importieren Speichern_en.png

5. The imported calendar appears in the list of imported calendars below the Import calendar button. The appointments will be displayed in the appointment overview.

The calendar name and appointments of the calendar are initially displayed in blue, as is the case with your own calendars.

Kalender - Kalender importiert Ansicht_en.png

Please note that special visibility settings of appointments from .ical files cannot be applied!