Änderungen von Dokument Step-by-Step Kurs erstellen

Zuletzt geändert von Carina Enke am 23.01.2024

Von Version 23.1
bearbeitet von Carina Enke
am 20.12.2023
Änderungskommentar: Es gibt keinen Kommentar für diese Version
Auf Version 17.1
bearbeitet von sandra_riediger
am 17.03.2020
Änderungskommentar: Mittels Scroll Versions veröffentlicht aus dem Bereich LMSintern und Version 12.3.



Übergeordnete Seite
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,0 @@
1 -LMS._Include Library.Step-by-Step.WebHome
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -XWiki.carina
1 +XWiki.sandra_riediger
... ... @@ -1,4 +2,3 @@
1 -
2 2  {{layout}}
3 3  {{layout-section ac:type="single"}}
4 4  {{layout-cell}}
... ... @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
54 54  
55 55  
56 56  
57 -{{includeplus spaceKey="LMS" scrollPageId="7F000001016D639F120B35E129E5C211"/}}
56 +{{display reference="Hinweis Video verfuegbar"/}}
58 58  
59 59  (% style="color: rgb(63, 68, 68); color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" %)
60 60  
... ... @@ -64,260 +64,3 @@
64 64  {{/layout-cell}}
65 65  {{/layout-section}}
66 66  {{/layout}}
67 -{{/sv-translation}}
68 -
69 -{{sv-translation language="en"}}
70 -{{layout}}
71 -{{layout-section ac:type="two_right_sidebar"}}
72 -{{layout-cell}}
73 -\\
74 -{{/layout-cell}}
75 -
76 -{{layout-cell}}
77 -{{scroll-ignore}}
78 -{{panel title="Inhalt"}}
79 -
80 -
81 -{{toc maxLevel="3" minLevel="2"/}}
82 -{{/panel}}
83 -{{/scroll-ignore}}
84 -{{/layout-cell}}
85 -{{/layout-section}}
86 -
87 -{{layout-section ac:type="single"}}
88 -{{layout-cell}}
89 -== Create course ==
90 -
91 -{{info}}
92 -With the release of OPAL 11.1, the course creation is available in the new user interface. How to create courses in the old user interface is explained in the section **//Create courses in the old user interface// **below.
93 -{{/info}}
94 -
95 -\\
96 -
97 -To create a course, proceed as follows:
98 -
99 -(% class="wrapped" %)
100 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
101 -(((
102 -1
103 -)))|(((
104 -(% class="content-wrapper" %)
105 -(((
106 -(% style="color: rgb(51,51,51);" %)Open the tab //**Teach & Learn**//.(%%) In the left navigation area, click on the entry //**Overview and quick access**//. Here you will find the function box //**Create course**//.
107 -
108 -{{expand title="Alternative options ..."}}
109 -A button for creating courses and individual learning content can also be found after opening the menu items //**My courses**// and //**My resources**//.
110 -
111 -Depending on the system configuration and user rights, this box is also available in the **First steps** portlet on the home page.
112 -{{/expand}}
113 -)))
114 -)))|(((
115 -(% class="content-wrapper" %)
116 -(((
117 -[[image:attach:Lehren und Lernen - Kurs erstellen_en.png]]
118 -)))
119 -)))
120 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
121 -(((
122 -2
123 -)))|(((
124 -In the //**Create course**// dialogue, you can now enter a title and description for your course. Optionally, you can also add an image and assign metadata or a semester.
125 -)))|(% rowspan="2" %)(% rowspan="2" %)
126 -(((
127 -(% class="content-wrapper" %)
128 -(((
129 -[[image:attach:Editor - Kurs erstellen Fenster_en.png]]
130 -)))
131 -)))
132 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
133 -(((
134 -3
135 -)))|(((
136 -To complete the course creation, choose between the following options:
137 -
138 -* **Done**: This option creates the course with the settings configured and opens it in the course view.
139 -* **Start course editor**: This option creates the course with the settings configured and opens it in the course editor view. You can directly start filling the course with course elements.
140 -* **Cancel**: This option closes the dialogue. The course will not be created.
141 -)))
142 -
143 -
144 -
145 -{{id name="oldUI"/}}
146 -
147 -=== (% style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255); color: rgb(51, 51, 51)" %)Create courses in the old user interface(%%) ===
148 -
149 -To create a course in the old user interface, proceed as follows:
150 -
151 -{{expand title="Create a new (plain) course ..."}}
152 -(% class="wrapped" %)
153 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
154 -(((
155 -1
156 -)))|(((
157 -Open the tab //**Teach & Learn**//. In the left navigation area, click on the entry //**Overview and quick access**//. Here you will find the function box //**Create course**//.
158 -)))|(((
159 -(% class="content-wrapper" %)
160 -(((
161 -[[image:attach:Lehren und Lernen - Kurs erstellen_en.png]]
162 -)))
163 -)))
164 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
165 -(((
166 -2
167 -)))|(((
168 -In the //**Create course**// dialogue, you can now enter a title and description for your course. Optionally, you can also add an image and assign metadata or a semester.
169 -)))|(((
170 -(% class="content-wrapper" %)
171 -(((
172 -[[image:attach:Editor - Kurs erstellen Fenster_en.png]]
173 -)))
174 -)))
175 -|(% class="numberingColumn" colspan="1" %)(% class="numberingColumn" colspan="1" %)
176 -(((
177 -3
178 -)))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
179 -(((
180 -Click on **//Save //**and then on **//Finish //**to continue.
181 -)))|(% rowspan="2" %)(% rowspan="2" %)
182 -(((
183 -(% class="content-wrapper" %)
184 -(((
185 -[[image:attach:Editor - Kursassistenten auswählen_en.png]]
186 -)))
187 -)))
188 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
189 -(((
190 -4
191 -)))|(((
192 -Choose one of the three options:
193 -
194 -* Create a plain course with a wizard (for beginners)
195 -* Start course editor (for experts)
196 -* Show details and settings
197 -
198 -(% class="wrapped" %)
199 -|(% style="width: 250.0px;" %)(% style="width: 250.0px;" %)
200 -(((
201 -Create a course with a wizard
202 -)))|(((
203 -This option opens a wizard to guide you through the first steps of the course creation. You can choose from pre-designed templates, select course elements you wish to use in your course directly from within the wizard, or [[copy one of your existing courses>>url:https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/LMSintern/.Kurs+erstellen+v3.10?focusedTaskId=17&id-.Kurserstellenv3.10-eigenenKurskopieren||shape="rect"]]. After completing the wizard, these elements will be immediately available in the course. This option is suitable for beginners.
204 -)))
205 -|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
206 -(((
207 -Create a course with the course editor
208 -)))|(% colspan="1" %)(% colspan="1" %)
209 -(((
210 -This option opens the course editor, which allows you to integrate course elements individually. This option is suitable for advanced users.
211 -)))
212 -|(((
213 -Show details and settings
214 -)))|(((
215 -This option opens the detailed view of the course, which includes additional information and functions.
216 -)))
217 -)))
218 -{{/expand}}
219 -
220 -{{expand title="Create a course with a wizard ..."}}
221 -(% class="wrapped" %)
222 -|(((
223 -Select the option **//Create a plain course with a wizard (for beginners)//**.
224 -)))|(((
225 -(% class="content-wrapper" %)
226 -(((
227 -[[image:attach:Editor - Kursassistenten auswählen_en.png]]
228 -)))
229 -)))
230 -
231 -\\
232 -
233 -In the **//first step// **of the wizard, you can choose between the following three options:
234 -
235 -* (((
236 -**Create a new course**: You will create a completely new course without using a template.
237 -
238 -{{expand title="Next steps ..."}}
239 -* Select the course elements you wish to include in your course. Later, you can still add more content to your course via the course editor.
240 -* Then click on **//Finish//**. Your course will now open in view mode.
241 -\\[[image:attach:Kursassistenten - Kursbausteine wählen_en.png]]
242 -{{/expand}}
243 -)))
244 -* (((
245 -**Copy course template**: You will create a completely new course based on a template.
246 -
247 -{{expand title="Next steps ..."}}
248 -* Select a course template from the list and click on **//Finish//**.
249 -* Your course will now open in view mode.
250 -\\[[image:attach:Kursassistenten - Kursvorlage wählen_en.png]]
251 -{{/expand}}
252 -)))
253 -* (((
254 -**Copy an existing course**: You will copy one of your existing courses.
255 -
256 -{{expand title="Next steps ..."}}
257 -* Select one of your courses from the list.
258 -* (((
259 -Then click on **//Finish// **to have your course copied and displayed.
260 -
261 -{{tip title="Individual course templates"}}
262 -The learning platform already contains course templates for typical standard scenarios. However, it is also possible to add further [[individually designed course templates>>url:https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/LMSintern/.Lernressourcenverwaltung+v3.10#id-.Lernressourcenverwaltungv3.10-IndividuelleKursvorlagenbereitstellen||shape="rect"]]. These course templates need to be integrated into the learning platform by the system administrator.
263 -{{/tip}}
264 -
265 -[[image:attach:Kursassistenten - Eigenen Kurs kopieren_en.png]]
266 -)))
267 -{{/expand}}
268 -)))
269 -
270 -Select one of the options and continue with the next steps.
271 -{{/expand}}
272 -
273 -== Import course ==
274 -
275 -To import a course, proceed as follows:
276 -
277 -(% class="wrapped" %)
278 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
279 -(((
280 -1
281 -)))|(((
282 -Open the tab **//Teach & Learn //**and click on** //Import course//**.
283 -)))|(((
284 -(% class="content-wrapper" %)
285 -(((
286 -[[image:attach:Lehren und Lernen - Kurs importieren_en.png]]
287 -)))
288 -)))
289 -|(% class="numberingColumn" %)(% class="numberingColumn" %)
290 -(((
291 -2
292 -)))|(((
293 -(% class="content-wrapper" %)
294 -(((
295 -In the dialogue, you have the option to select a file from your **//Personal folder //**or to **upload** a course **from your** **PC**.
296 -
297 -{{expand title="Import from personal folder ..."}}
298 -1. Click on **//Select folder//**.
299 -1. For the next step, select the folder from which you wish to import the course and confirm your choice with **//Select folder//**.
300 -1. Search and select your course. Confirm your choice with **//Select//**.**//
301 -//**
302 -1. As a next step, you can customise the description and metadata of the imported course. Confirm your entries with **//Save// **and **//Finish//**.
303 -1. You will then be asked if you wish to start the **editor**.
304 -{{/expand}}
305 -
306 -{{expand title="Upload from your personal computer ..."}}
307 -1. Click on **//Upload file//**.
308 -1. In the next window, you can select a course from your computer via **//Select file//**.
309 -1. Click on **//Upload//**.
310 -1. As a next step, you can customise the description and metadata of the imported course. Confirm your entries with **//Save// **and **//Finish//**.
311 -1. You will then be asked if you wish to start the **editor**.
312 -{{/expand}}
313 -)))
314 -)))|(((
315 -(% class="content-wrapper" %)
316 -(((
317 -[[image:attach:Editor - Datei wählen_en.png]]
318 -)))
319 -)))
320 -{{/layout-cell}}
321 -{{/layout-section}}
322 -{{/layout}}
323 -{{/sv-translation}}
Editor - Kurs erstellen Fenster_de.png
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Lehren und Lernen - Kurs erstellen_en.png
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1 -316675929
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1 -https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/SOV/wiki/spaces/LMS/pages/316675929/Step-by-Step Kurs erstellen
1 +https://www.bps-system.de/help/display/SOV/wiki/spaces/LMS/pages/337413893/Step-by-Step Kurs erstellen