
Version 1230.1 von Carina Enke am 20.12.2023
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In this area, the most important terms of the learning platform will be shortly explained.

KB_Kurs.png Course

A course is a virtual space, which can be used for the purpose of teaching, communicating, and working together. It can also serve to complement existing seminars, lectures, and training.

More information for learners can be found in the section Work in courses. Advice and assistance on management issues for authors is given in the section Course.


Groups provide opportunities to learn and work cooperatively. They also allow tutors to create and manage learning resources.

Further information for learners can be found in the section Work in groups. For authors, the section Group management provides further support.

Icon_Meine Lerninhalte.pngLearning Resource

Similar to courses, learning resources are another type of resources in the learning platform. They can either be integrated into a course as a normal course element or made available to learners individually, i.e. independently from any course.

An overview of all available types of resources and further information can be found in the section Learning resources.

Course Element

Course elements are elements that you can add to your course and adapt to your teaching and learning scenarios using various setting options.

For an overview of all available course element types and further detailed information on their use from the perspective of both users and authors, refer to the section Course elements and its respective sub-sections.

Icon_ePortfoliobereich.png ePortfolio

An ePortfolio is a collection of a learner's various documents, e. g. content and files created by the learners themselves. These artefacts can be individually collected and thematically structured in collaborative folders.

Further information is provided in the section ePortfolio.

Icon_Leistungsnachweise.pngPerformance results

The performance results include an overview of a learner's achievements in a course. They can also be provided in the form of certificates.

Further information for learners can be found in the section Assessment and certificates. Information for authors can be accessed from the section Performance results in the Assessment area.

Course editor

Editing environment in which authors can fill courses with elements and manage their configuration settings.

Detailed view of a resource

This view is only visible to authors and other users with extended rights. It contains essential general information such as a resource ID, the direct link (URL) to the resource as well as information about the creator and supervisors. Using the detailed view, you can also configure various basic settings. For more information on this topic, see the help page Functions of the detailed view.
