Group tutor

Last modified by Carina Enke on 12.01.2024

Rights of a group tutor

A tutor of a group has the following administrative rights, depending on the group context:

As a tutor of a working or learning group, you can:

In addition to the above functions, tutors of a learning group have access to:

  • Icon_Bewertungswerkzeug.png assessment tool if assessable course elements are used in the course.
  • Icon_noch nicht beigetreten.png exam control if a test course element with exam control is used in the course.

This access for learning group tutors is limited to users and data of the specific group for which tutoring rights have been granted.


When setting visibility and access rules for course elements, please note that users with group administration rights are not automatically affected by general restrictions such as "Blocked for learners" and might therefore see these course elements in the course view or have access to the course content.

For instructions on how to make course content only visible to a defined group of users, regardless of user roles, see the example on the help page Course-internal area for a limited user group.


Appoint a user as a group tutor

The following expandable area provides general instructions on how to add a user to a group as well as information about the functions available in the Members area.

Open group in the edit view

Open the Members tab in the group’s edit view:


Open the group and switch to the edit mode.

Gruppenmanagement - Lernbereich editieren_en.png


In the Manage members tab, you will find various lists (according to the users’ assignment) with the members of the group.

The lists Owner and Member will always be available in this edit mode. The lists Invited and Waiting list will be displayed depending on the group configuration.

All lists are identically structured. The header area of the lists contains different buttons to start various administrative functions, as well as the default button to configure the displayed table columns.

Editieransicht Gruppe - Nutzerlisten_en.png

Further member list functions



This function allows you to send emails to the users on a certain list. Select the checkbox next to one or more user(s) on a member list and then click on the icon Icon_Brief.pngin the table header. The email dialogue will open. Enter the desired text and alternative recipients if necessary. Click on the Send message button in this dialogue to send the email.



Member list

Use this function to provide an overview of all members of one or more learning group(s). Besides selecting the required user data, you will also be able to export this data in seven different formats. For example, an attendance or signature list will be available with just two clicks by using this function.




Copy members to other groups

Use this function to copy members enrolled in this group to another group in the same course or to another course. The function will become active as soon as you have selected the checkbox next to one or more user(s). Then click on Copy members to other groups to start the function. A dialogue will open, which allows you to choose the course and group to which the members should be copied.



Cancel membership

To remove a user who has already been added to a list, first select the checkbox next to the user entry. Then click on Cancel membership. A confirmation dialogue will open, which also allows you to optionally send an email notification about the cancellation to the user. To do this, select the checkbox next to Send email below the results list. An email form prefilled with a standard text will open. Customise this text if necessary.

By clicking on the Cancel membership button, you confirm the picked users and, if selected, send the emails. The users will then automatically be removed from the relevant list. If this action is not permitted for a user, you will receive a corresponding notification message.


At least one tutor must remain in the group. Thus, the tutor list will always contain at least one user who cannot be removed.



To add users, the following options are available:

To add external users, please refer to Assign external users to groups.

If the setting Get consent for membership from users is active for this group, added users will directly be assigned to the Invited list. As soon as they accept the invitation to join the group, they will automatically be moved to the Member list.

Icon_Teilnehmer hinzufügen_en.png

Icon_Betreuer hinzufügen_en.png

Icon_Wartende hinzufügen_en.png

Add member

Use this field to assign individual users from your institution to a group list.

Enter at least three letters of the person's first or last name in the text field and wait a moment. If a user is found in the system that you are allowed to add based on your user rights, then this user will be displayed in the pop-up selection list. Just click on the desired name and the user will be added to the list

Icon_Erweiterte Suche_en.png

Advanced search

The advanced search allows you to search for specific users. Use this button to add multiple users to a list.

The function will open in a new window. Depending on your rights and user role in the system, various data fields will be available to perform the search. For example, enter the desired user’s first and last name or their complete email address stored in the system. Start the search by clicking on Search. The system will display the search results in a results list. In this list, select the checkboxes next to the user entries you wish to add to the group.

Only users who belong to the same institution as you do, or for which you are responsible due to specific rights (user administrator), will be shown on the results page of the advanced search.

You can also optionally send an email notification about the enrolment to all users to be added. To do this, select the checkbox next to Send email below the results list. An email form prefilled with a standard text will open. Customise this text if necessary.

By clicking on the Add user button, you confirm the picked users and, if selected, send the emails. The users will then automatically be added to the relevant list. If this action is not permitted for a user, you will receive a corresponding notification message.

Icon_Benutzerliste importieren_en.png

Import user list

Use this function if you have a list with several user names, complete email addresses, or matriculation numbers of users you wish to add.

You can also use this function to directly invite or assign registered users from other institutions to a group.

Select one of the options from the selection list and enter the user list in the text field. Always enter only one user name/email address or matriculation number per line. Start the search by clicking on the eponymous button.

Search results will be displayed in a results list. The checkboxes next to the entries will already be selected.

You can also optionally send an email notification about the enrolment to all users to be added. To do this, select the checkbox next to Send email below the results list. An email form prefilled with a standard text will open. Customise this text if necessary.

By clicking on the Add user button, you confirm the picked users and, if selected, send the emails. The users will then automatically be added to the relevant list. If this action is not permitted for a user, you will receive a corresponding notification message.