Wiki source code of 02 Lernbereiche

Last modified by Markus Enke on 17.05.2024

Show last authors
1 {{layout}}
2 {{layout-section ac:type="two_right_sidebar"}}
3 {{layout-cell}}
4 [[image:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Icons.WebHome@Icon_Meine Lerninhalte.png||alt="icon_Lernbereich.png" data-xwiki-image-style="img-icon"]]If there is more than one learning group within a course, you can summarise and organise them into learning areas.
6 Learning areas can be used to control visibility and accessibility rules for learning resources or course elements. The use of learning areas helps you facilitate the configuration of these rules, since you can select comprehensive learning areas rather than individual learning groups.
7 {{/layout-cell}}
9 {{layout-cell}}
11 {{/layout-cell}}
12 {{/layout-section}}
14 {{layout-section ac:type="single"}}
15 {{layout-cell}}
16 {{expand title="Expand area for a simple example scenario for the use of learning areas ..."}}
17 **Requirement description**: In a transregional course, users are asked to enrol in different learning groups according to their place of residence. After the enrolment, they should only be able to see course sections relevant to their group. To finish the course, all users must complete a final exam. This exam is available in different versions, each tailored to the requirements of the respective federal state. The fact that there are different test versions, however, should be hidden from the users.
19 **Implementation of the requirement**:
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22 In the standard view, an author can see all course elements contained in the course (image author 1).
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24 [[image:attach:01 Bild Autor1_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
25 )))
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27 A user can only see the course element enrolment at this stage as well as all available learning groups (image user 1).
28 )))|(((
29 [[image:attach:02 Bild Nutzer1_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
30 )))
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32 Only after the enrolment in a group, users can see the relevant course sections available to them (image user 2).
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34 [[image:attach:03 Bild Nutzer2_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
35 )))
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37 This configuration can be done by restricting the visibility of these course elements to the appropriate learning groups (image author 2).
38 )))|(((
39 [[image:attach:04 Bild Autor2_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
40 )))
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42 While this option could also be used to configure the access to the final exam, it is recommended to use a learning area for this kind of configuration. This approach is especially convenient if a larger number of different groups are concerned or if the assignment or number of groups is subject to change during the course (image author 3).
43 )))|(((
44 [[image:attach:05 Bild Autor3_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
45 )))
46 {{/expand}}
48 == ==
51 == Create learning area ==
55 Learning areas are created similarly to learning groups. Again, there are two options to do this:
57 * You can use the **group management** to create learning areas for your course.
58 * Via the **course editor**, you can create group-dependent visibility and access rules for course elements as well as new learning areas.
60 |(((
61 1. Open the group management of the course.
62 )))|(((
63 [[image:attach:LMS.Benutzerhandbuch OPAL.Teaching.Gruppen Ueberblick.Lernbereiche.Gruppenmanagement im Kurs.WebHome@Kurs-Gruppenmanagement öffnen_en.png]]
64 )))
65 |(((
66 2. Select the button //**New learning area **//in the table head of the page //**Groups in the course**//.
67 )))|(((
68 [[image:attach:Gruppenmanagement-neuer Lernbereich_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
69 )))
70 |(((
71 3. The window //**New learning area**// opens.
73 4. Assign a title and optionally a description.
75 {{info}}
76 Within a course, the title of a learning area must be unique. This means that you cannot create another learning area with the same title.
77 {{/info}}
79 5. Select the related learning groups by clicking the checkbox in front of the desired groups.
81 6. Close the configuration with a click on //**Finish**//.
82 )))|(((
83 [[image:attach:Gruppenmanagement-Lernbereich erstellen_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
84 )))
86 == ==
89 == Edit learning area ==
92 You can also assign learning groups to a learning area or remove existing assignments later on.
94 Proceed as follows:
96 |(((
97 1. Open the group management of the course.
98 1. Select the entry //**Learning areas**// from the course navigation on the left.
99 1. The overview of the learning areas in the course opens in the middle of the page.
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101 [[image:attach:Kurs-Gruppenmanagement öffnen_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
102 )))
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104 4. To open an existing learning area for editing, click on the title of the learning area. Alternatively, you can also use the edit button in the column //**Actions**//.
105 )))|(((
106 [[image:attach:Gruppenmanagement-Lernbereich öffnen_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
107 )))
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109 5. The learning area opens in the editing mode.
111 6. Perform new group assignments or remove existing ones in the area //**Assigned Groups**//. Simply select or unselect the checkbox in front of the desired learning groups.
113 7. In this view, you will additionally find an info icon in the upper right corner, which provides access to the **group mailing list** if the option for sending emails to group users has been enabled in the system.
115 8. Confirm your settings with **//Save//**.
118 Use the group mailing list:
120 {{display reference="LMS._Include Library.Gruppenseiten.Gruppenmailadresse.WebHome"/}}
123 )))|(((
124 [[image:attach:Gruppenmanagement-Lernbereich editieren_en.png||data-xwiki-image-style="img-screen" data-xwiki-image-style-border="true" width="500"]]
125 )))
127 {{info}}
128 You can also make settings for the assignment to learning areas in the editing mode of a learning group. For further information on how to open the editing mode, refer to the section [[Edit and manage learning groups>>url:||shape="rect"]].
129 {{/info}}
130 {{/layout-cell}}
131 {{/layout-section}}
132 {{/layout}}