Review user solutions on a topic

Last modified by Moritz Baumgarten on 16.02.2024

To review submitted solutions on a topic and return documents to learners, proceed as follows:

Open the course element Topic Assignment. Click on the name of the topic that you want to check the submitted solutions for.

Kursrun - Themenübersicht Beispiel_en.png

Switch to the Solutions tab and click on the user name whose solutions you would like to review.

Kursrun - Thema Tab Lösungen_en.png

Under Submitted Solutions, you will find an overview of all existing solution data the learner has uploaded or created.

If a return box has been configured, you will also find the area Documents for the participant. Here you can upload documents to the learner's return box or create them directly. To do this, use the appropriate button create or upload.

Kursrun - Lösungen_en.png