Edit and Manage Working Groups

Last modified by Anna Paul-Hasenfuss on 31.12.2024

To facilitate collaborative learning or working on projects, learners can organize themselves into working groups and exchange information. The configuration of an existing working group can be changed by the author in the editing mode. This area can also be used to manage the working group members.

Edit working groups

To edit a group, proceed as follows:

Switch to the tab Teach & Learn and click on My Groups in the menu on the left.

Select the group you want to edit by clicking on its name in the overview.

The group opens in a new tab.

Click on the pencil icon to switch to the editing mode.


Only one user can open the editing area to make changes. If a second user tries to open this area at the same time, they will receive a corresponding notification message.


In the editing area, you can change the Name, Description and Picture of the group as well as the configuration of the Display, the selection of Group-Tools and the Information about Members (if previously selected).

In this view, you will additionally find an info icon in the upper right corner, which provides access to the group mailing list if the option for sending emails to group users has been enabled in the system.

To use the group Email address, please refer to Group email address.

Confirm all changes with Save.


Add or remove tutors/participants

To add or remove tutors/participants, please refer to the pages Add group members and Remove group members.


Added users will receive an invitation. As long as the invitation is not accepted or rejected, the following status symbol will appear next to the user name: arbeitsgruppe-einladung-status.png.