Create and Delete Working Groups

Last modified by Carina Enke on 23.01.2024


Each registered user can create working groups to exchange information with other learners or tutors and to develop projects. These types of groups are not bound to any course and supervised and managed directly by the creator.

Create working group

To create a working group, proceed as follows:


Open the tab Teach & Learn and click on My Groups in the menu on the left.

LuL-Gruppe erstellen_en.png


An overview of all groups to which you have been assigned, either as a member or supervisor, is displayed. Select Create group from the table head.


In the window that opens, you can enter a name and description for the group, as well as upload a picture.



In the Configuration area, you can define which member overviews will be displayed to the participants, whereas in the Group-Tools area, the required communication tools of the working group can be specified.


Confirm your configuration with Finish.


The Group-Tools Email, Folder, and Forum are selected by default when creating a new working group. You can customise this selection either when creating the working group or later using the edit function.

Delete working group

To delete working groups, refer to Delete working groups.