
Last modified by Anna Paul-Hasenfuss on 22.01.2025

Icon_Artefakt PDF Datei.png  Learners can collect their texts, posts, data, etc. which were created in courses or as individual objects at a central location. These collected objects are called artefacts. For each artefact, you will have the possibility to write a reflection to describe why the element was selected or explain the learning progress achieved with it. Different artefacts can be thematically summarised and arranged into self-created collaborative folders or collaborative folder templates.

Artefact types

The following artefact types can be created in the system:

Icon_Neue Datei.png

Text artefact

The text artefact allows you to insert text, images, links,  etc. and therefore to create content to your liking.

Icon_Artefakt PDF Datei.png Icon_Artefakt HTML-Datei.png Icon_Artefakt Bild.png

File artefact

The file artefact allows you to upload a file and add it to the artefact. File artefacts support a wide range of formats: pdf, doc, docx, xls, jpg, png, gif, etc. You can either create the artefact yourself or add a self-created file from a course element to your ePortfolio. The artefact icon changes depending on the used file format.

Icon_Artefakt Lerntagebuch Blog.png

Live blog (blog)

The live blog is a blog-like medium that is used to document learning progress. It can, for example, be used to keep record of texts, facts, or even thoughts.

The following existing content may also be saved as an artefact:

Icon_Artefakt Blogeintrag.png

Blog post

Self-created blog entries can be added to the ePortfolio as an artefact.

Icon_Artefakt Forenbeitrag.png

Forum post

The forum allows course participants to interact with each other and to ask course instructors questions. You can also add your own forum posts to your ePortfolio.

Icon_Artefakt Leistungsnachweis.png

Performance results

The performance results provide the user with an overview of their accomplishments. You can also add them to your ePortfolio.

Icon_Artefakt Wikiartikel.png

Wiki article

The wiki is used to create and edit articles as well as to collect content. You can i mprove your ePortfolio by adding your wiki articles to your artefacts.

My artefacts - artefact display

To display an artefact, proceed as follows:

Select Teach & Learn from the main navigation. Then select My ePortfolio > Artefacts from the menu on the left. Your artefacts will now be displayed in the preview. Alternatively, you have the option to display the artefacts in the table view. To do this, click on Switch view in the upper right corner. You will find help to change the table view at Switch view.

Kursrun - Mein ePortfolio - Artefakte_en.png

How to display information about an artefact

For every artefact, detailed information is available. They can be opened in the preview by clicking on the Icon_Info.pnginfo icon.

ePortfolio - Artefakt Detailinformationen

The information is displayed in the table view as soon as an artefact is called up. To do this, click on the title of the artefact in the table.

ePortfolio - Artefakt Tabellenansicht Detailinformationen

Missing editing options for an artefact

If an artefact is in a folder that belongs to a portfolio task which has already been submitted, all artefacts contained in the folder are protected against changes when the folder is submitted. In this case, the Icon_Rädchen.png editing icon on the artefact is no longer available in the artefact overview. 

How to create artefacts

There are two ways to create artefacts:

Create new artefact

To create a new artefact, proceed as follows:

  • Open the Teach & Learn tab.
  • Click on the menu item My ePortfolio. Choose between the following buttons: Create text artefact, Create file artefact, or Create live blog (blog).

Kursrun - neues Artefakt erstellen_en.png


In the following, the creation of a text artefact will be described.

A dialogue window opens, which allows you to enter all relevant data for the text artefact.


Enter a title.

Kursrun - Text-Artefakt Teil1_de.png
Kursrun - Text-Artefakt Teil2_de.png


Fill the text artefact with content.


Add a description and tags if necessary.


You can use the Reflection field to describe why you selected this artefact.


Confirm authorship of the content.


Click on Finish to create the artefact.


The newly created artefact will be listed under My ePortfolio > Artefacts.

Kursrun - Beispiel Text-Artefakt_en.png

File artefact

The file artefact allows you to upload a file from your computer. For information on supported file formats, see the Artefact types table.

Live blog

You have the option to write your own blog posts or integrate an already existing blog by entering its feed URL.

Add existing content as an artefact

You can also add self-created content of a course element to the ePortfolio. This includes self-created files, blog and forum posts, wiki articles, as well as your performance results.


Go to the course and open the corresponding course element. An overview of all contained items will be displayed.


Select the content you wish to add to the ePortfolio.


The button Add to ePortfolio Icon_Artefakt.png can be found in the right content area, e. g. in the Actions column in a Folder course element.


The dialogue for creating an artefact opens. For detailed instructions, see the section Create artefact.


After completing the dialogue, the item will be listed under My ePortfolio > Artefacts.


If you have successfully added the content to your ePortfolio, the icon will change and show how many times this specific item has already been added as an artefact.


Locked files in the Folder course element cannot be added to the ePortfolio.

Rate and comment on artefacts

You can rate your own artefacts as well as artefacts from other users that are stored in shared collaborative folders.

Rate artefacts

Rate artefacts via the stars located in the lower right corner of each artefact. To perform a rating, click on the number of stars you wish to assign. The rating is anonymous. You can change your rating at any time by repeating it.

The current status of the rating is indicated by the coloured stars and the numbers in the circle succeeding them. In addition, the note text will tell you whether you have already rated this post before.

The status of the rating is colour-coded:

  • If you have not yet submitted a rating, the circle around the number of ratings will be grey.
  • If there is a rating from you, the colour of the circle will change to orange.

Hover the mouse pointer over the number to display your submitted rating and the overall rating.

Lehren und Lernen - Artefakt bewerten_en.png

Comment on artefacts

The comment function and the number of previously written comments can be found below each artefact. 

  • You can write comments or reply to other users' comments.
  • You can edit or delete your own comments at any time.
  • You can only reply to other users' comments.

Lehren und Lernen - Artefakt kommentieren_en.png

Delete artefact

To delete an artefact, proceed as follows:

  • Open the Teach & Learn tab and select the menu item Artefacts under ePortfolio.
  • Select the artefact you wish to delete. Click on the wheel icon in the upper right corner of the artefact.
  • Select Delete an confirm the dialogue with Delete.

ePortfolio - Artefakt löschen_en.png Lehren und Lernen - Artefakt löschen_en.png


The artefact will also be deleted from all collaborative folders.

If you choose the table view, you have the option to use the bulk deletion function. To delete multiple items at once, tick the checkboxes next to the artefacts you wish to delete.

Artefacts without deletion option

Should an artefact not contain a Icon_Rädchen.pngcog symbol in the top right-hand area, it is used in a portfolio task and cannot be deleted by the existing reference. In order to delete such an artefact, it is necessary to remove it from the portfolio task or to delete the portfolio task completely. In both cases, the reference is cancelled and the artefact can then be deleted as described in the last section.

A portfolio task is always linked to a course. If the task is deleted, it can no longer be assessed in the course.

The info area shows in which folder an artefact is referenced.

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