Bewertung festlegen
Maximum and minimum score
Set the maximum score for single questions. If you configure the points per answer scoring method for your question, the maximum score will be calculated automatically from the sum of the individual points for all answers.
The minimum score is set by default to 0 points for all question types and cannot be configured. Even if points may be deducted for individual answers in the case of the points per answer scoring method, the total score of the question will never be negative, i. e. the minimum score will always be 0 points.
Scoring method: All answers must be correct
The scoring method All answers must be correct is available for the following question types: choice interaction, hotspot interaction, hottext interaction, match interaction, matrix interaction, graphic match interaction and order interaction. For these question types, this scoring method is preconfigured as a standard assessment.
If the scoring method All answers must be correct is enabled, the assessment will be performed automatically following the right/wrong principle. This means if the participant solves the entire question correctly, they will be awarded the maximum number of points. Otherwise, they will receive 0 points.
Scoring method: Points per answer
The scoring method Points per answer considers individual answers to the question. The total score of the question will be calculated from the sum of the points for the individual answers. This scoring method depends on the question type as well as the type of the individual answers and the input format of the participant.