Upload Interaction

Last modified by Anna Paul-Hasenfuss on 16.02.2024

Icon_Uploadaufgabe.png The question type "Upload interaction" allows participants to upload a file according to the question requirements and must be manually assessed.

Via the assessment tool, you can download the submitted file and assess the task.

commercial.pngA licence is required to use this question type.

Uploadaufgabe - Beispielaufgabe_de.png

Tab Question/Answer




Describe all requirements the participant's file needs to meet. In this question type, you can also use Variables to make the task more flexible.

Question typeQuestions of the upload type can be converted into other Question types. More information on this can be found here Changing the Question Type.


Specify the maximum available points that can be assigned to the question during manual assessment.

Uploadaufgabe Frage und Antwort.png


Set the criteria suitable for your question in the Assessment tab. For the Upload Interaction question type, only the maximum score setting is available. Assessment options of other question types are more complex. For more information, see the section Set Scoring.

Upload interactions cannot be evaluated automatically. Here, an evaluator must review the submitted content and then assign the score achieved. How you can perform a manual assessment is described on the page Manual Assessment


Getting quick and direct feedback for the participant is a particular advantage of digital testing. To find general information on available options in the Feedback tab, see the page Set feedback.

There is no general feedback available for the question type Upload Interaction that is based on the assessment, because this question type can only be evaluated manually. However, you can provide individual feedback to the learner based on their response or the number of times they have attempted to solve the problem so far.

The customizable condition "Learner response = Empty" takes effect if the learner has not given a response. The feedback text stored here is displayed if the participant has not uploaded a file and therefore submitted the task empty.

Editor - Feedback Uploadaufgabe_de.png

Player - Beispiel Uploadaufgabe mit Feedback_de.png