Scientific Study Path Example

Last modified by Anna Paul-Hasenfuss on 03.03.2025

If you want to try out an example, click on the link to download the corresponding test file.

To create this example, proceed as follows:

1.Create a test and select “Linear mit Testwegsteuerung“ (linear with logical test structure) in the test options.Lernpfad - Testoption Testwegsteuerung aktivieren_de.png

Create the necessary sections, questions and answers.

The sample test consists of a diagnostic task that measures the learner's current knowledge. Depending on the outcome of this task, a first specialised task is then displayed, which is included in the overall assessment of the learner's competence. The current competence level forms the basis for selecting the next specialised task.

Each learner has to answer a total of three specialist tasks. The test structure, therefore, consists of four sections. One section for the diagnostic task, and a further three sections for the specialist tasks. All specialist task sections contain one question per competence level.

For a better understanding, the competency level was added to the task title in the sample test.


Lernpfad Wissenbasiert - Teststruktur_de.png

Define the assessment of the diagnostic task.

The display of the next question is based on the evaluation of the answers that have been given so far. You can start by evaluating the diagnostic task.

Lernpfad Wissenbasiert - Bewertung Diagnoseaufgabe_de.png

Create test variables to save the current competence level.

In order to convert the task evaluation into a competence level and to make it dependent on the evaluation of all previously answered questions, you will need some test variables. As an example, the following test variables were created:

  • Variable "kompetenz": Saves the overall rating based on the questions solved so far
  • Variable "showItems": Saves the number of questions already displayed
  • Variable "curScore": Necessary for calculating the competence level
  • Variables "curMaxScore" and "percent-score": These are optional variables. They are used for a better understanding of the test example in the section description and in the test feedback. They are not essential for the test path control function.

General information on working with variables can be found here Using Variables.

Lernpfad Wissenbasiert - Testvariablen_de.png

Define your visibility conditions for the individual specialised tasks. Ensure that the individual conditions are AND-linked.

General information on creating visibility rules can be found on the page Setting the Visibility.

Lernpfad Wissenbasiert - Sichtbarkeitsbedingungen_de.png
6Once all visibility rules have been created, you can check the functionality of the test in the preview.Player - Beispiel Wissensbasiert_de.png