Access via OPAL School

Last modified by Carina Enke on 14.01.2024


If you

you can use the question bank mathematics of the network Mathematics/Physics + E-Learning within OPAL School by completing the following steps.



Content-gemeinsam-nutzen-Aufgabenpool.pngSend an informal email including your OPAL School user name to We then assign your user the necessary rights.

Once this has been done, you will be able to switch to the entry "OPAL Community" in the navigation on the left, where you will see the folder Question bank mathematics. In this folder, you can now browse and view more than 4500 questions, try them out and use them for your own tests.

Aufgabenpool Mathematik - Repo wechseln_de.png Aufgabenpool Mathematik - Ordner in der Navigation bei Schulnutzer_de.png



Take a look at the network's questions and try them out.

Aufgabenpool Mathematik_de.png Aufgabenpool Mathematik - Aufgabenanzahl Nov 2022_de.png

For this example, an OPAL School user switches to the OPAL Community area to view a question from the question bank mathematics.


Open the Test resources view and navigate to the entry OPAL Community in the navigation on the left.

Aufgabenpool - Repo wechseln_de.png


You will then see the folders and content available to you.

Aufgabenpool - Repoinhalt_de.png


To open content, you can use the left navigation area (1) or go directly to the related folders via the corresponding links (2) in the table.

Aufgabenpool - Navigation in einem Repo_de.png


For each type of content (question, test, survey), you can start the preview by clicking on the title to try out the content.

Aufgabenpool - Vorschau eines Repoinhalts öffnen_de.png


Specifically, the preview allows you to answer questions and receive an evaluation.

Depending on the configuration of the author, you will see feedback and hints on the solution. Depending on the content, the preview will show additional technical testing options below the answer.

Player - Vorschau einer Aufgabe_de.png

For more information about the functions in the preview area, see the help page View content.



Use the questions one-to-one for your own tests or adjust them to your needs.

For this example, an OPAL School user exports a question from the question bank mathematics and imports it to their own area.


Export the desired question resource. To do this, enable the corresponding checkbox for the question.

Aufgabenpool - Aufgabe exportieren_de.png


Then select Export from above the table. The question will be downloaded to your computer as a .zip file.


Switch back to the OPAL School area.

Aufgabenpool - Repo zurückwechseln_de.png


If necessary, open the folder where you wish to save the question.

Now select Import content from above the table.

Aufgabenpool - Importieren_de.png


The import dialogue opens. Click on Browse to search for the previously exported .zip file on your computer and select it.

Beispiel importieren_de.png


Click on Upload to import the question.


The opened import dialogue will not automatically close after the import, which allows you to upload more questions.

After importing all desired content, close the dialogue by clicking on the Close X in the top right corner of the dialogue.

Aufgabenpool - Importieren beenden_de.png


You will then see the imported question in your resource table.

Aufgabenpool - Aufgabe öffnen_de.png


To view the configuration of the question or to adapt the question content to your own scenarios, select the pen icon Icon_Bearbeiten.pngfrom the Actions column.


Clicking on this icon will open the question in the edit view.

Editor - Bearbeitungsansicht einer Aufgabe_de.png


Please make sure not to create your resources in the community OPAL. If resources are created there, "Luca Lerntrainer" will automatically be filled in as the author. These resources are deleted at regular intervals.

However, if it happened to you nevertheless, you can still export the resources and import them to your area in the OPAL School repository.

Join in

The question bank mathematics was made possible through the great commitment of various authors from the Saxon universities. In addition to basic knowledge, it is primarily geared towards the requirements of the university.

If you wish to support the work of the network, you have the following options:

  • Submit questions or question proposals : You can reach the initiators of the network via the OPAL course Network Mathematics/Physics + E-Learning.
  • Suggestions for improving existing questions : You can put up suggestions for discussion through reviews or contact the author directly via their profile. For the latter, just click on the name of the author. Please note that the questions have been created for the university context.