06 Catalouge Tab

Last modified by Carina Enke on 13.02.2024

The Catalogue tab allows published content to be displayed in a meaningful catalogue structure. The search for relevant courses and learning resources is therefore simplified as they can be grouped thematically.

Startseite - Bereich Kursangebote_en.png


Find and open a course or learning resource in the catalogue

The main section shows the available catalogue categories at the top with all the courses and learning resources referenced in the selected category at the bottom.

What you can do in this area:

  • Hover the mouse pointer over an entry (without clicking it) to learn more about the content of a category or resource. If the supervisor has provided a description, it will be displayed as a tooltip.
  • Click on a category to open it.
  • Click on a course/learning resource to start it. The course or learning resource will open in a new tab.
  •  Mark or remove courses or resources as a favourite ...

Kursangebote - Überblick_en.png


This area shows the additional functions that are available.


Users with extended rights will be able to see the Edit catalogue button in the top right corner. Using this button, they can edit the structure of the catalogue and add courses and learning resources to created categories.


Opens other available functions such as Set “catalogue view” as home page.

Edit catalogue

This function is only available to course owners and users with extended rights. For more information, see the help page Edit catalogue.