Course glossary

Last modified by Moritz Baumgarten on 19.01.2024

KB_Glossar.png In the glossary, you will find relevant terms, definitions and synonyms if necessary. When opening the glossary, you will be displayed all the terms contained in it in alphabetical order. You can search for content using the letter bar in the header area or the search field. 

If you wish to provide the course users with central definitions, you may include a glossary in your course. 

  Whether or not this resource type is available, depends on the configuration of your learning platform.


Assign course glossary

Assign a glossary to your course as follows:


Open the Icon_zweiRädchen.png More settings menu in the top right corner of the course.


Kursrun - Kurseinstellungen aufrufen_en.png


Select the first entry Settings .


The Course settings dialogue opens. Click the Icon_Link intern.png Assign glossary button in the Course tools section under Glossary .

Kurseinstellungen - Glossar neu zuordnen_en.png


This opens a table with all available glossary resources. Select the desired glossary by clicking on the corresponding Icon_Plus.png plus icon in the Actions column.

Kurseinstellungen - Glossar auswählen_en.png


The selected glossary will be displayed in the course settings dialogue under Currently assigned together with its title, ID and creation date.

Kurseinstellungen - zugeordnetes Glossar_en.png


You can edit the assignment at any time.

  • To choose a different glossary, click on Icon_Link intern.png Change .
  • To completely remove the current assignment, select Icon_Link entfernen.png Remove assignment .

You can only embed one glossary per course.

With the release of OPAL 11.4, the function for embedding a glossary resource has become available in the new user interface. How to embed a glossary in the old user interface through the detailed view is explained in this section:

Embed glossary through detailed view ...

To use a glossary in a course, proceed as follows:


Open the course and select the entry Details and settings from the menu.

Kursrun - Glossar - Details und Einstellungen_en.png


In the Learning resource area on the right, click on Change properties .

Kursrun - Glossar - Schaltfläche Einstellungen ändern_en.png


A dialogue opens. Switch to the tab Glossary  and click on Select glossary .


Kursrun - Glossar - Schaltfläche Glossar wählen_en.png

This opens an overview of all available glossaries. Click on Select .

Detailseite - Glossar auswählen_en.png