Add catergory to Wiki articles
Last modified by Moritz Baumgarten on 16.01.2024
Categories can be used to support navigation in a wiki. All content-related articles are grouped together in one category. All categories of a wiki are available through the navigation entry Categories.
To add a category to an article, proceed as follows:
Open the wiki article in the editing mode by clicking on the tab Edit article.
Then click on Add category.
An overview of all categories within the wiki is displayed. If there is no category available yet, you will see the entry example of category.
Now you have the following options:
- Create a first category (option 1)
- Select an existing category (option 2)
- Create a new category (option 3)
Option1: Create a first category in the wiki
- If there is no category available yet, you will see the entry example of category.
- Click on this entry and the following syntax will be displayed at the end of the text: [[Category:example of category]]
- Replace the term example of category in this syntax by your own new category term, for example [[Category:chocolate]], and save your changes.
- You have successfully added a new category to the wiki, which will also become available in the category overview soon after.
Option 2: Select an existing category:
- Click on the category to which you want to add the article.
- The category will be embedded in the wiki syntax at the end of the text. For example like this: [[Category:chocolate]]
- Save your changes.
Option 3: Create a new category:
- Click on an existing category entry.
- The category will be embedded in the wiki syntax at the end of the text. For example like this: [[Category:chocolate]]
- Replace the category term by your own new category term, for example [[Category:ingredients]], and save your changes.
- You have successfully added a new category to the wiki, which will also become available in the category overview soon after.