Subscriptions and Notifactions

Last modified by Carina Enke (Admin) on 22.01.2025

You will receive automatic system messages when performing specific actions on the platform, such as a file upload to a folder. These system messages are only displayed for a short time and can also be closed by clicking on them.

Kursrun - Systemnachricht_en.png

You also have the option to subscribe to various resources to be automatically informed about changes to this content. You can check these changes in the platform (notifications) or receive them by e-mail at an individually configured interval (collective subscription mail). You only receive messages about actions that have not been triggered by you. This means, for example, that you will not receive a notification about a forum post that you have created yourself. Notifications that have already been viewed on the platform are also no longer included in the collective subscription mail.

Subscribable content

Click the Subscribe button to receive notifications about the following resources or content:



Ordner - Button Abonnieren_en.png

Kursbaustein - Button RSS Abonnieren_en.png


File discussion












Collaborative folders (ePortfolio)


Assessment tool of courses

(provided that you have the relevant rights for the assessment tool)


Blog (news via RSS feed)


Podcast (news via RSS feed)

Receive notifications about subscribed content

You can be notified in one of three ways:

via system message of the learning platform

The icon next to your user name in the header area of the page offers quick access to existing notifications. You can also open a larger view of all news via the user profile. You will only receive messages about actions that you have not triggered yourself. This means, for example, that you will not receive a notification about a forum post that you have created yourself.

by email

All notifications will be sent to you by email. The frequency of these emails can be customised in the settings of your User Profile.

via RSS Feed

You also have the possibility to generate an RSS link to keep track of the change history.


The system always displays all unread news from the last 7 days. Messages that require action from the user, however, are displayed until the respective action has been completed.

Open notifications

To access your notifications, you have two options:

Option 1: Quick accessDesktopMobile

Click on the circle icon next to your user name in the desktop view to open the quick overview of your notifications.

On mobile devices, the quick access is marked by a bell symbol.

Startseite Schnellzugang Neuigkeiten en

Startseite Schnellzugang Neuigkeiten Mobil en

An overview opens displaying the latest news and invitations that are stored for you in the system.

Click on a news item or on the arrow behind the notification to access the content directly.

  1. Some notifications will require action from you. For invitations, for example, the buttons Agree and Disagree will show up. System messages can be marked as read via the OK button.

Invitations contain a direct link to the corresponding resource so that you can verify it before confirming the invitation.

To close the opened notification area, click again on the selected icon.


Startseite Neuigkeiten geöffnet

(There are no differences between the desktop and the mobile view)
Option 2: News areaDesktopMobile

A larger view of all notifications is available in the area News . To open it, click on the down arrow right next to your name in the header area of the desktop view. Select the entry News from the drop-down list.

On a mobile device, open the main navigation at the top left and select the entry Notifications.


Einstellungen - Neuigkeiten öffnen_en.png

Startseite Menübenachrichtigungen_en

A new News window opens. In the desktop view, you will see several tabs. In the mobile view, you will only see the news.

  • Overview:  This sections contains all relevant invitations and news in list form. Use the bulk actions Accept all and mark as read or Mark as read and Mark all as read to process multiple notifications quickly and efficiently.
  • Manage subscriptions: This tab lists all of your existing subscriptions in the system and allows for their management, as will be described in the following section.
  • RSS Feed: Here, you can generate and manage your own RSS link. For further information, please refer to the page RSS Feed.

Einstellungen Neuigkeiten geöffnet_en

Einstellungen Neuigkeiten Geöffnet mobil_en

Manage and cancel subscriptions

 To manage your subscribed content, proceed as follows:

Open the News area as described above and switch to the Manage subscriptions tab.

You will see a list of all subscriptions existing for your user account.

Select the subscriptions you wish to delete and click on the Unsubscribe button in the table header to receive no more news updates on this content.

Neuigkeiten - Abonnement abbestellen_en.png

Alternatively, you can also cancel each subscription by clicking the Unsubscribe button of the respective resource.

Kurs - Ordner Abo beenden_en.png

View course subscriptions

On subscribed course elements and also in the course settings area, course administrators and learning resource managers will find a note about active subscriptions to the course and an option to actively cancel them. For more information, please visit the page Course subscriptions.