Open Notifications

Last modified by Carina Enke on 23.01.2024


To access your notifications, you have two options:

Option 1: Quick Access



  1. Click on the circle icon next to your user name in the desktop view to open the quick overview of your notifications.

    On mobile devices, the quick access is marked by a bell symbol.

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2. An overview opens displaying the latest news and invitations which are stored for you in the system.

3. Click on a news item or on the arrow behind the notification to access the content directly.

4. Some notifications will require action from you. For invitations, for example, the buttons Agree and Disagree will show upSystem messages can be marked as read via the OK button.

5. Invitations contain a direct link to the corresponding resource so that you can verify it before confirming the invitation.

6. To close the opened notification area, click again on the selected icon.

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(There are no differences between the desktop and the mobile view)

Option 2: News area



  1. A larger view of all notifications is available in the area News . To open it, click on the down arrow right next to your name in the header area of the desktop view. Select the entry News from the drop-down list.

    On a mobile device, open the main navigation at the top left and select the entry Notifications .


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2. A new News window opens. In the desktop view, you will see several tabs. In the mobile view, you will only see the news.


This sections contains all relevant invitations and news in list form.

Use the bulk actions Accept all  and mark as read or Mark as read and Mark all as read to process multiple notifications quickly and efficiently.

Manage subscriptions

This tab lists all of your existing subscriptions in the system and allows for their management, as will be described in the following section.

RSS Feed

Here, you can generate and manage your own RSS link. For further information, please refer to the page RSS Feed.

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