Functions in the Forum

Last modified by Carina Enke on 23.01.2024

Options in the topics overview

In the overview table, the following functions are available:


Open topic

Clicking on the title of a topic in the topics overview opens the relevant topic.

Icon_Neues Thema_en.png

Create new topic

This function allows you to create your own topic. Other users can then respond to your topic and/or submit a rating.

How to do that?
  1. Open the relevant course element.
  2. Click on New topic.

Kursrun -Neues Forenthema erstellen_en.png

3. Enter a title and your post in the appropriate text fields. More formatting options can be found on Page Texteditor.

Kursrun - Titel und Betreff zum Forenthema_en.png

4. Now you can mark your topic as important by selecting the checkbox. A topic which is marked as important is always listed at the top of the post overview.

Kursrun - Forenthema als wichtig markieren_en.png

5. If anonymous posting has been enabled by the course author, this option is also available to you. To publish your topic anonymously, activate the respective checkbox.

Depending on the setting of the course author, the anonymous post may need to be released by the moderator. Only after the release, it will be visible to other users.

Kursrun - Forenthema als anonym markieren_en.png

6. If necessary, add a file as an attachment to the post.

7. Click on Submit.

8. Your topic will be created and is now available in the forum overview.

Kursrun - Thema erstellen_en.png


Download table

Export table content as a file. The file format you have selected within your System settings will be used as the default format.

Open topic options

Depending on the user's rights, the following functions are available for an open topic and the posts it contains:

Icon_Zurück zur Übersicht_en.png

Back to overview

Clicking this button will directly take you to the post overview. The post overview lists all existing topics.

Icon_Zum letzten Beitrag_en.png

Last post

Clicking this button takes you to the last post created on the respective topic.

Icon_Anzeigeoptionen im Forum_en.png


Here you can filter the displayed posts. You can choose between four different post views. For example, you can view all posts or just the most recent ones.

The following settings are available ...
  • All posts
  • All posts (flat)
  • Favourites
  • New posts

Kursrun - Anzeige innerhalb eines Themas_en.png


Reply (directly)

With this option, it is possible to reply directly to a post. You should use this function if you want to reply to a post other than the last one in the thread. The reply is displayed directly below the entry concerned.  

Learn more ...
  1. Click on the arrow next to the post you want to reply to.
  2. A reply window opens. Enter your reply, add a file if necessary, and click on Save .
  3. Your reply will now be displayed directly below the post.

Kursrun - Im Forum antworten_en.png


Icon_Stern grau leer.png


Click on the star to mark a post as a favourite. You can undo this process at any time by clicking on the star again.

Icon_Bester Beitrag.png

Mark as best post

Using this option, you can mark the best post on a topic.



With this button, you can save your posts to the ePortfolio.

Icon_Erweitern Dreieck.png

Advanced functions

  • Quote
  • Edit
  • Delete

This option allows you to quote, edit, or delete posts.

Quote post ...

The Quote function allows the user to refer directly to a specific statement from another user. In this way, the overview in the discussion is for example maintained.  

  1. Click on the expand icon and select Quote .

Kursrun - Funktion Forenantwort zitieren_en.png

2. It opens the reply field with the quoted text in the upper area. Enter your reply below the quote and click on Save .

Kursrun - Forum Beitrag zitieren_en.png

Edit post ...

To edit your reply, proceed as follows:  

  1. Click on the expand icon and select Edit .

Kursrun -  Forum Beitrag bearbeiten_en.png

2. You are now in the editing mode. Make your desired changes and click on Save to complete the editing process.

Kursrun - Fenster Thema bearbeiten_en.png

Delete post ...

To delete a reply, proceed as follows:  

  1. Click on the expand icon and select Delete .

Kursrun - Forum Löschen_en.png

2. Confirm the deletion process with Delete .

Kursrun - Forumantwort löschen bestätigen_en.png




Use this button to reply to the last post. The given answer is displayed at the end of the thread. 

Learn more ...
  1. Click on Reply .
  2. A reply window opens. Enter your reply in the appropriate text field. Upload a file if necessary.

Kursrun - Im Forum antworten_en.png

3. If anonymous posting has been enabled by the course author, you have the option of marking your post as anonymous. To do so, activate the checkbox Post anonymously .

4. Click on Save .

Kursrun - Antwort im Forum speichern_en.png


Icon_Antwort im Forum bewerten.png



Moderate topic

Users with the right to moderate have, among other things, the option to release posts, close topics, and delete other users' posts.  

Functions for moderators ...

If you have the right to moderate in the forum, the following functions will be available to you: 

Hide topic

A hidden topic will no longer be visible to users without moderating rights.

How to do that?
  1. Open the course element Forum and the topic you want to hide.
  2. Click on the down arrow next to the Subscribe button and select Hide topic.

Follow the same procedure to make the topic visible again. 

Kursrun - Forum  Thema verstecken_en.png 


Close topic

If a topic has been closed, it is no longer possible to respond to it.

How to do that?
  1. Open the course element Forum and the topic you want to close.
  2. Click on the down arrow next to the Subscribe button and select Close topic.

Follow the same procedure to reopen the topic.

 Kursrun - Forum Thema beenden_en.png