Extended Text Interaction

Last modified by Carina Enke on 15.02.2024

Icon_Freitextaufgabe.png  The extended text interaction allows users to compose longer passages of text, such as definitions or explanations, using a large input field. All words entered by the learner will be counted automatically. The display of a minimum and maximum number of written words can be additionally configured.

Testrun - Beispielinhalt Freitextaufgabe_de.png

Tab Question/Answer

Configurations you can make in the question section:



Question definition

Describe any requirements for the answer to be given by the participant. Even in this question type, you can use Variables to make the task more flexible.

Question type

You can convert questions of the free text type into other question types. For more information on this function, see Change question type.


Determine the maximum number of points possible in the assessment of this task.

Configurations you can make in the answer section:



Solution and hint

Enter the solution (for automatic assessment) or hint in this field.

Auto assessment

If this option is activated, the extended text interaction will be automatically assessed. The following auto assessment options can be configured:

  • Case sensitive:

    Enable this option to specify whether the entered solution will be case sensitive and whether the learner will need to be aware of upper- and lower-case characters when checking their solutions. This setting applies to the entire solution text. If the option "Case sensitive" is disabled, the entry “fichtelBerg” instead of “Fichtelberg” will be counted as correct.

    Testrun - Auswertung korrekte Antwortmöglichkeit_de.png

  • Error tolerance:

    The error tolerance indicates how many characters or letters in the correct solution or an alternative solution can be incorrect.

    A solution containing a number of errors within the error tolerance is still assessed as a correct solution, and the learner will still receive the total score for the gap.

    Each incorrect or missing character/letter will be counted as an error. This also applies to typos. For example, if an error tolerance of 1 is defined for the answer "Pythagoras", the following applies:

    • The entry "Pytagoras" will be counted as correct. The letter "h" is missing (number of errors = 1).

Testrun - Auswertung Fehlertoleranz1_de.png

    • The entry "Phytagoras" will be counted as incorrect. The letter "h" following "P" is incorrect, and the "h" behind the letter "t" is missing (number of errors = 2).

Testrun - Auswertung falsche Antwort1_de.png

    • The entry "Pythagoros" will be counted as incorrect. The letter "a" is missing, and the second "o" is one too many (number of errors = 2).

Testrun - Auswertung falsche Antwort2_de.png

  • For extended text interactions, the learner is provided with a special solution view (optional) in which errors are marked in colour.

    For exams, a manual control of results is particularly recommended for all open question types (including text entry interactions and extended text interactions), regardless of the availability of automatic assessment. The ONYX Testsuite provides simple results views for a quick overview of all submitted answers and their assessment.

Word count

The setting "Word count" defines the desired length of the participant’s answer to the extended text interaction. If you have specified a minimum and maximum word count value, participants will receive system notes including the minimum/maximum allowed number of written words and the current number of written words. If the participant exceeds the defined word count, the input field will turn red, and there will be an additional notification that the input is too short/long.

Testrun - Anzahl der Wörter zu lang_de.png

Regardless of the word count limit, the participant's complete input will always be saved and displayed in the assessment views. The system notes will also be displayed in the assessment views, and word count non-compliance can be easily included in the assessment. 

To allow an unlimited number of words, enter 0 in this field.

Length and height of the text field

Here you can configure the size of the extended text field. The indicated length and height is the default setting, which can be adapted by users to their individual needs.

Editor - Konfiguration einer Antwort_de.png