04 Visibility

Last modified by Anna Paul-Hasenfuss on 05.03.2025

You can use the visibility settings to share tests, questionnaires or individual tasks with selected user groups. It can be used as a criterion in the search and displayed as a column in the resource table.


The visibility display is a function that can be configured. The Visibility tab, the corresponding column in the resource table and the search options associated with the function are only displayed if it has been activated by an administrator and if the OPAL learning platform is connected.


Changing the visibility

To change the visibility of a resource, proceed as follows:

Click on the Icon_Information.png symbol in the question bank to open the info area of your selected resource.

Aufgabenpool - Informationsbereich öffnen_de.png

Switch to the visibility tab and select your preferred option from the following:

  • Private - visible to rights holders: The resource is only visible to users who have been granted specific rights for this resource. Refer to the Rights page to find out how you can assign or withdraw rights.
  • Review - visible for authors: Users with author rights in the learning platform can display the resource using the "Public" display filter. Other users won't see it.
  • Public - visible to registered users / visible to everyone: The resource can be displayed to all users of the question bank. The difference between the two settings is the resource display in the OPAL learning platform. A distinction is also made as to whether the user is registered on the platform or a non-registered guest user. At present, guest users in OPAL cannot access the ONYX question bank.

Confirm your changes by clicking on "Finish".

Aufgabenpool - Sichtbarkeit_de.png

Displaying the visibility

You can enable the visibility setting in the resource table by using the settings icon. Check the Question bank>Adjust table section to find more information.

Aufgabenpool - Tabelle mit Sichtbarkeit_de.png

Searching for public resources

You can now use the new 'Public content' setting in the search to access third-party content with the corresponding visibility setting.

Enter a search term in the search field and click on the magnifying glass icon. At first, your own content and content that is shared with you is searched and the results found are displayed.

Suchergebnisse - Default Ergebnisse_de.png

Activate the checkbox "Public" to display further available content for the search term. 

Depending on your role in the learning platform, you will see resources with the visibility setting “Public - visible to registered users” or “Public - visible to everyone”.  If you have author rights in the OPAL learning platform, you will also see resources with "Review - visible to authors”.

Suchergebnisse - Öffentliche Ressourcen_de.png

Public content can be displayed and tested in the preview. You will need additional authorisations for further use or editing. Contact the author via the contact form to request these.

Just click on the author's name in the corresponding column of the table. The user's profile will open, and you will have access to a mail form.

Aufgabenpool - Autor kontaktieren_de.png